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新疆,一少年与嫌犯重名被押212天公检法均未发现冤情。Boy's name put him in custody for 212 days.

她在法官面前“大声”诉说冤情。She brayed out her grievances before the judge.

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冤情上星期在议会陈述了。The grievances were aired in Parliament last week.

他们向总督申诉冤情。They represented their grievances to the Governor.

回家时他一路上都在发牢骚,说这种冤情足以让人离婚。He grumbled all the way home that this was enough grievance for a divorce.

几乎每一个与这些案件有干连的印度人都有冤情。It is the experience of almost every Indian who has had anything to do with such cases.

因为罗斯福先生相信里面的人又权昭雪他们的冤情。For Mr. Roosevelt believed that the men inside had a right a redress of their grievances.

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地方领导都被要求解决冤情并迅速平息抗议。Local leaders have been ordered to see that grievances are addressed and protests quickly contained.

同样,见到耶稣受审时的冤情,就是最坚强的官员也会落泪。What we see at the trial of Jesus are injustices that can bring even the toughest officers to tears.

在过去20年间有数百起的冤情得以昭雪,这虽是好现象,却也让人更加忧心。It is good news, albeit troubling, that hundreds of people have been exonerated in America in the past 20 years.

或者可能并没有什么冤情,只是当事人中有一方想要玩弄赤裸裸的权术。And it may be that there aren't any real grievances at all, but that one of you is trying to pull off a naked power play.

毕老太断定冤魂并非附在太阳眼镜上,只是籍著眼镜连系阿柯,使她知道自己的冤情。Mrs. Bud confirms that the mane is not attached on the sunglass but with it. The mane wants to tell Audrey about her fate. Mrs.

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是的,但是他们决定想尽办法赢得时间给这个毁容男子一个机会,让他说出他的冤情。Yes it was, but they decided to do anything to buy time and give the disfigured man chance to speak about the wrongs he had suffered.

他利用了自己巧妙的奉承能力以及一付讨人喜欢的仪表,迷住了伊丽莎白,不停地为自己洗刷冤情,中伤达西。He used his clever flattery pay likable and a capacity of instruments, captivates the Elizabeth, kept scrubbing their grievances, slander Darcy.

结合这些年不断出现的冤假错案,人们开始反思出现冤情的原因。Concerning about the continuous emergence of falsely and unjustly repudiated cases, people begin to reconsider the reasons for the emergence of grievance.

那些因奥运开发而失去家园的人们,以及一些怀有其他冤情的人们,预计也能借由奥运找到听众。Those who have lost their homes to make way for Olympic development and the many Chinese with other grievances will find a ready audience for their complaints.

在这一天,我们来到宣布结束零用冤情和虚假的承诺,指责和陈旧的教条,对于太久扼杀我们的政治。On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too l0ng have strangled our politics.

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一国的法律体系指的是法令或法律,它们规定行为要合乎实施法律的程序,并且通过法律纠正冤情。The legal system of a country refers to the rules, or laws, that regulate behavior along with the processes by which the laws are enforced and through which redress of grievances is obtained.