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并在荣耀中光芒万丈!Shining in glory for all men to see.

我时时刻刻都无法忘怀你眼中光芒万丈的闪耀。All the time, all the shine of your eyes I would never forget.

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穿上它,我光芒万丈,成为这冥想世界里最美丽的妖精。Put it on, I'm the most beautiful fairy in this illusive world.

世界经济前景是否暗淡一片,足以让黄金继续光芒万丈?Is the outlook for the world economy dark enough for gold to continue to glitter?

难道,只有当肉体消亡的一刻,才能让脆弱的爱情变得光芒万丈?Is it only when our mortal fresh faded, then our fragile love could flare as stars?

光芒万丈照明电器有限公司坐落于著名的灯都世界中山古镇。Shine Lighting Co. , Ltd. is located in the famous Zhongshan Guzhen lights are the world.

但是当我注意到那一座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我又仿佛听见那许多灯光的私语了。Whereas, I caught sight of that starry mountain as if to hear the whisper of those lights.

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若是你要缠万贯能尽情享受,罗马的确不负盛名,是壮丽光芒万丈的世界市场。If you were rich enough to enjoy it, Rome was indeed Rome, the grand and glorious marketplace of the world.

即使天气那么阴沈,我的内在却光芒万丈,全身充满暖流。Even though the sky was gloomy I felt a brilliant radiance inside and a warm current flowing through my body.

但是当我注意到那座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我仿佛又听见了那无数的灯光的私语。However, when I gazed at that starry mountain I felt as if those countless lights were whispering with each other.

在中国媒体大环境中,中央电视台无疑是一轮光芒万丈的太阳,照耀着环绕它的群星——各省级、地方电视台。In China, CCTV seems like a sun shining and warming those stars around it—the provincial and municipal TV stations.

但是当我注意到那座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我仿佛又听见了那无数的灯光的私语。However, when I gazed at that starry 30 mountain I felt as if those countless 31 lights were whispering with each other.

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十年来演艺事业的起起落落,使得这位一度光芒万丈的人气女星蜕变成一位淡定自若的演艺名人。The 10-year ups and downs in show business have maturated this once-flamboyant sensation to a rather composed celebrity.

就像那盏油灯一样,只发了一点点光,就觉得自己超过了光芒万丈的太阳。Just like that oil-lamp, it only gives out some faint light, however he mistakes that his light exceeds that radiant sun.

但是当我注意到那一座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我又仿佛听见那许多灯光的私语了。However, when I gazed at the mountain of radiant stars, I felt as if those countless lights were whispering to each other.

出于对他们的慈悲,“我”稳处于他们的心中,当然就会用光芒万丈的知识之灯摧毁天生无知的全部黑暗。Out of compassion for them, I situated within the heart, certainly destroy the darkness born of ignorance with the radiant light of knowledge.

人类智慧的一颗璀璨明珠,文学早在几世纪前就光芒万丈,影响了一代又一代的人。A crystal of mankind's wisdom, literature began to shine several centuries ago, entertaining, enduring and enriching generations after generations.

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普京原本有机会将俄罗斯变成一个牛叉闪闪放光芒的资本主义国家,凭着他们聪明强力的人口和所有自然资源,足可以光芒万丈的将中国日本笼罩在他的圣光之下。Putin had the opportunity to turn Russia into a blazing Capitalistic country that could have out shadowed China and Japan with all the natural resources and a highly trained and smart population.