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瑞雪脸上又加霜。Auspicious snow adds frost in the face.

一场瑞雪能给人们带来新的希望和好的运气。A big snow can bring people new hope and good luck.

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这里瑞雪纷飞,清新的空气沁人肺腑。Here, auspicious snow swirling in the air, the fresh air -----.

好多年过后,彬去了厦门工作,瑞雪留在了内地。Many years later, but went to work in Xiamen, snow in the mainland.

没有丰年的前景,我们不可能看到瑞雪的端庄。There is no prospect of good harvest, we can not see Snow's dignified.

彬给瑞雪的药果然神奇,没几天就好了,而且没有留下一点疤。Bin to a medicine and magic, not a few days, but without leaving a scar.

冬季,在铁擂堡和蓝派瑞雪等滑雪场上一展英姿。In winter, carve up the snow at fields such as Thredbo and Perisher Blue.

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不用担心成都市武侯区瑞雪皮鞋厂可以帮你解决这类问题。Does not need to worry that we may help you to solve this kind of problem.

求“瑞雪漫舞掩乾坤,晓日东升破层云。”全诗!Seeking "Snow Dancer cover events, Dongsheng broken clouds at dawn. " The poem!

哈尔滨是座圣洁的城市,冬临,瑞雪纷飞,玉树琼楼,玲珑剔透,倾倒众生。Harbin is a holy city with auspicious snow, silvery building and ice sculptures in winter.

伴随着冬日里的皑皑瑞雪,2009年春节如约而至。Is following in the winter snow white auspicious snow, in 2009 Spring Festival but as promised.

安东尼、埃迪,你们俩和我一起在空中侦察。香香,你和瑞雪儿在海上巡逻。Anthony, Eddie, you get to fly reconnaissance with me. Xiang Xiang, Rachel, you patrol the coast.

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瑞雪丰年,吉祥如意,天降祝福给北京的人民!Beautiful snow brings a prosperous year and good luck. Heavenly blessing to the people in Beijing!

当我们提起圣诞节,我们往往会想到装饰品、闪亮的灯饰、瑞雪、礼物和圣诞树。When we speak of Christmas, we tend to think of decorations, shiny lights, snow, presents, and trees.

冬季,前往夏洛特山口澳大利亚最高的滑雪道,或在铁擂堡和蓝派瑞雪的雪道上飞驰而下。In winter, hit Australia's highest ski slopes at Charlotte Pass or carve up the snow at Thredbo and Perisher Blue.

补充光照对金凤凰无影响,也可使东林瑞雪和矮红在春季反季节开花。Replenishing illumination has no influence on some varieties but it enables some other varieties to flower in spring.

孙瑞雪写道,她“旨在帮助更多的家长了解他们的孩子,让每个孩子在爱和自由中健康成长。”Sun writes that she 'aims to help more parents understand their kids and let every kid grow up healthily in love and freedom.

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梨花盛开季节,数万亩梨花竞相开放,朵朵雪白的梨花绽满枝头,好象瑞雪悄然而至。Pear blossom season, tens of thousands of acres of pear blossom, white white pear blossoms over the branches, as if snow quietly.

鼠年瑞雪迎新春,年年新春今更新,快马加鞭稳步跑,乐在和谐顺民心。Rat Ruixue Spring Festival, the annual Chinese New Year this update, speed up steady run in harmony with the aspiration of music.

瑞雪超市管理系统的设计与实现用于给将要交作业的同学们,加油!Ruixue Supermarket Management System Design and Implementation used to be perpendicular operation to the students, and refueling.