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鲜鱼四日臭,来客三日香。Fish and visitor smell in three day.

九龙鲜鱼商会。Kowloon Fresh Fish Merchants Association.

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这个时令鲜鱼蒸的非常好。The steamed seasonal fresh fish is very good.

他们将刚从河里捕上来的鲜鱼加以烧烤。They carbonadoed the fish fresh from the river.

开胃菜是应时的蔬菜、鲜鱼。The hors d'oeuvre is seasonal vegetables and fish.

对我的猫来说,这东西闻起来像鲜鱼么?Does it smell like, for my cats, smell like fresh fish?

“我想要买一些鲜鱼,”我对着卖鱼人喊。"I'd like to buy some fresh fish, " I shouted to the fishman.

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午餐时可吃凉拌鲜鱼沙拉,米饭配蔬菜,或者米饭沙拉。For lunch, eat cold fish salad, rice with vegetables, or rice salad.

周围是太平洋,鲜鱼从未断货过。With the Pacific Ocean nearby, fresh fish was never in short supply.

草虾.鲜鱼色拉酱.鲑鱼松。小菜色拉,鱼丸。Back Tiger Shrimp, Trout Salad Sauce, Ground Trout, Salads, Fish Ball.

到餐厅我独沽鲜鱼一味,最好还要当天的新鲜货。When I go out to dinner I always desire fresh fish, 'the catch of the day'.

鲜鱼大餐的配方现在可以用5个达拉然烹饪代币兑换。The recipe for the Fish Feast is now available for Dalaran Cooking Award x 5.

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如果你一定要吃鲸鱼,那么鲸鱼干肉会比鲜鱼肉来得更美味。If you must have whale, cetacean biltong is more palatable than the fresh stuff.

我们在海滨游乐场度过了整个假期,整天吃鲜鱼和海味。We spent our holiday at a coastal resort and ate fresh fish and seafood every day.

继母要吃鲜鱼,天寒冰冻,无处购买。Stepmother should have fresh fish, the weather is cold freezing, nowhere is bought.

一元路四川鲜鱼馆,麻婆豆腐、凉拌粉皮蛮好吃!Sichuan Road, one dollar Museum of fresh fish, Mapo tofu, salad Fenpi quite delicious!

忽然,鱼贩从桶内捉了一条鲜鱼,手起刀落,把鱼宰了。Suddenly, the shop owner catches a fish from the bucket, then slaughters it by a knife.

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情人鲜鱼挞,配西红花,蒜香罗勒和烧烤酱,玉米饼,菠菜和土豆。Three Fish Towers "Valentino", with Saffron, Pesto and Teriyaki sauce, Polenta, Spinach and Potatoes.

于是幺姑取来鲜鱼的净肉,剁成肉泥和进面粉中,做出了第一碗云梦鱼面。So Kou 11 to fish from the neat, Runi and hacked into flour and made the first fish bowl Yunmeng surface.

笔者曾对挪威鲜鱼围网的下纲沉降深度在围捕作业中进行了测试。The writer has ever measured the depths of Nor wagian herring purse seine during surrounding-fishing operation.