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我甘做一条水草!I would be a water plant.

一片片的水草漂浮在水面上。Patches of weeds float on the water.

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我的钓鱼线和水草缠在一起了。My fishing line get entangled with weeds.

白鹭举着长腿在水草里踱步。Egrets paced holding legs in the water plants.

太多的水草可能会使鱼窒息。Too much duckweed is likely to choke the fish.

这儿水草肥美,让他们长得肥滚滚的。There is plump float grass. Let they grow plump.

您一定在水箱内放了过多的水草。You must have put too much duckweed in the tank.

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看看水草后面有没有妈妈?原来是小海马。Is mum behind the float grass . It is a sea horse.

在康桥的柔波里,我甘做一条水草!In the gentle waves of CambridgeI would be a water plant!

广阔的宁夏川水草丰美、阡陌纵横。Wide Plain of Ningxia lush, terraced rice paddies aspect.

一幅关于巴哈马沙砾和水草的卫星图像。A satellite image of the sands and seaweed in the Bahamas.

登了康河的浪花儿里厢,我毛情愿做一光水草!In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant!

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在路易斯安那州圣塔马尼教区,工人们正在擦掉沼泽地水草上的污油。Workers wipe oil from marsh grass in St. Tammany Parish, La.

他看见水牛潜到水下逐食水草。He saw buffaloes dive beneath the floodwater to nibble grass.

一条鱼静静地游过来,游到了刺猬的心中,揉碎了水草里的梦。If you touch a hedgehog it will react by curling into a ball.

这里,溪流清澈明净,水草在阳光下闪着金色的波光。Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun.

浮油覆盖了水草,但是,在七月中旬,又有新的水草生长发芽了。Oil covered the grass, but by mid-July new growth had sprouted.

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那时你就会见到我穿梭于芦苇和水草中O it's then you'll see me sailing through the rushes and the reeds

六月中旬,浮油不断冲刷着路易斯安那州莫特戈鲁夫附近沼泽地的水草。Oil washes into marsh grasses near Myrtle Grove, La., in mid-June.

一条鱼静静的游过来,又到了刺猬的心中,揉碎了水草里面里游泳的鱼的梦。A fish suddenly swim into the porcupine's heart, into the fish's dreams.