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沉船残骸堵塞了航道。Wreckage filled the channel.

残骸慢慢漂走了。The wreckage slowly drifted away.

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布满残骸的街道非常危险。Debris-filled streets are dangerous.

最重的残骸部分飞的最远。The heaviest parts flew the farthest.

还有看几堆火车残骸啊?How many train wrecks do we need to see?

我思考着火车残骸的问题。I thought of the wreckage by the tracks.

电器设备的残骸。The remains of the electrical equipment.

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在日立港口被烧毁的汽车残骸。Burned-out cars sit gutted Hitachi Harbour.

海水冲撞着破船的残骸。The sea was breaking over the wrecked ship.

两艘遇难船的残骸把码头的入口处堵塞了。Two wrecks block the entrance to the harbor.

一名潜水员发现了船只的残骸。The ship wrecks were rediscovered by a diver.

两艘船的残骸堵塞了通往港口的入口。Two wrecks block the entrance to the harbour.

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一路将狂风吹拢来的残骸冲散。Strewing fresh wreckage gathered in the gales.

燃烧的残骸冒出浓烈的黑烟。The smouldering wreck fumed thick black smoke.

长攻员负机身残骸放射亡水泡沫。Firefighters sprayed foam on the mangled wreckage.

这城市的残骸,仍因火灾还是热的。The wrack of the city was still hot from the fire.

我帮他挖坑来埋那个女人的残骸。I helped him dig a hole to bury the woman's remains.

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地图上自带的坦克残骸将不能被轴心国工兵回收。Tank wrecks found on maps are no longer salvageable.

船的残骸被遗弃在岸上,没有船员。The wrecked ship was deserted crewless on the shore.

她被人扯着头发从燃烧的飞机残骸中救出。She was pulled from the burning wreckage by her hair.