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速度是现代文明的祸害。Speed is the curse of modern civilisation.

我是一个讨厌的东西,一个累赘,和一个祸害。I was a nuisance, an incumbrance , and a pest.

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开展禁毒斗争,消除毒品祸害。Anti-drug struggle, eliminate the drug scourge.

贪爱不义之财的祸害自己的家。He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house.

缺少居住空间已经是现代生活的祸害。Lack of living space has been the bane of modern life.

因此,我们对圣人之道所带给我们的祸害,一定要小心谨慎以对。We must beware of the bane that the Tao of sage caused.

难道战争的祸害不大于暴动的灾难吗?Is war less of a scourge than an uprising is of a calamity?

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贪爱不以之财的祸害自己的家。Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household.

这场劫难到底多大祸害,就看这油漏到什么时候了。Much of that will depend on how much longer the leak continues.

⊙、幸福从来都是孤独的,而祸害却总是结伴同行!Happiness has always been lonely, but evil is always walk together!

然而,并非所有人都对巨额游资的祸害保持着应有的清醒。However, not all the scourges of huge capital maintained due sober.

这股顽匪已被劫灭净尽,再不能祸害百姓了。The ganstershave been eliminated and can no longer harm the people.

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阿提拉和“祸害上帝”已在同一时间被认为是同义词。Attila and "scourge of God" have at one time been considered synonyms.

损毁亚洲同胞名声的祸害,祖先为之蒙羞的子孙。Evil reputation damaged Asian compatriots, ancestors of shame for children.

此后DDoS攻击一直祸害网络,并被应用在网络战中。They've been a scourge ever since and have even been employed in cyberwarfare.

我就说好人不长寿祸害遗千年!I say that not the good human longevity catastrophe loose for thousand annuals!

在现实中,希望是所有祸害中最糟糕的,因为它延长了一个人的痛苦。In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs man's torments.

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我若再说自己精通医道,手到病除,必将遭来祸害。If I say hell, instant solutions to be proficient in his will encounter to evil.

听说妹妹遭人祸害,于是赶回济南,并将李三从监狱中救出。I heard my sister was a curse, so back to Ji'nan, and Li San rescued from prison.

我爸总是说邓不利多是霍格华兹有史以来最大的祸害。Father always said Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place.