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这是间谍的天职。This is the job of a spy.

服从乃是小臣的天职,陛下。I live but to obey, your majesty.

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保护人类的生命是我们的天职。Protect the safety of labors is our bounden duty.

人的天职在于勇于探索真理。The duty of mankind is to be brave to explore truth.

他把司机的天职发挥到可敬佩的程度。He put the driver's bounden duty to respectable degree.

没有。你知道,军人以服从命令为天职。No. You know, obedience is the first duty of a soldier.

布思是一个坚定不移地奉行其基督徒天职的宗教复兴运动者。Booth was a revivalist intent on his Christian vocation.

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但我仍然劲头十足地履行天职,不屈不挠。But I still drive to perform the full duty, indomitable.

塔法里教徒有许多简单而又能履行天职和才能。Rasta's have many simple but fulfilling vocations and talents.

把一种严重的错误当作天职来奉行,这自有它的伟大之处。To mistake a grave error for a duty has a grandeur of its own.

教会认为效法耶稣是他们的天职。The Church says that its duty is to follow the example of Jesus.

“保护您的生命财产安全是我们的天职”。"To protect the safety of your life and property is our bounden duty ".

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除非你能把教书看作是你的天职,否则,你很难驰皙一名好老师。You will not make a good teacher unless you feel teaching is your vocation.

除非你能把教书看作是你的天职,否则,你很难成为一名好老师。You will not make a good teacher, unless you feel teaching is your vocation.

作为一名老师,我的天职就是批评别人。As a teacher, I have a natural job responsibility to critique the work of others.

谁能告诉我医生的天职是什么?治病还是救人?Who can tell me what the doctor's bounden duty is? Treat a disease or help a person?

但是即便你不在这样的处境下,天职的观念也是有帮助的。But even if you are not in such a role, the doctrine of vocation can be helpful here.

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南丁格尔说,看护病者不仅是职业,也是天职。The nursing of the sick, said Florence Nightingale, is a vocation as well as a profession.

曾几何时,医生是人们眼中的“白衣天使”,救死扶伤是他们的天职。Once upon a time, doctors are seen as "angels in white", life-saving is their bounden duty.

严刑峻法惩罚罪犯是法治民主国家政府的天职,任何罪犯都必须面对法律制裁。It is the duty of a government founded on democracy and the rule of law to punish criminals.