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大多数农场是独户单干。Most farms were one- family businesses.

只有单干的时候他才能显露出自己的真本事。Only when doing things alone can he show his paces.

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距国会开会只有3个星期,我们不能单干。Congress adjourns in 3 weeks, we can't do this alone.

你愿意和别人一起共事还是单干?Which would you prefer, working with others or alone?

外侧段有单干型和双干型。The lateral segment mey be single trunk or double trunks.

他必须单干,所以他想把他的全部时间投入研究工作。Having to work alone, he wanted all his time for his research.

单干,多数电子簇就会失去作用,并因此而死亡。Alone, most of the electronic bits are wimpy and would die of nonuse.

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认识你的人觉得你适合单干吗?Would people that know you say you are well suited to be self-employed?

但是,不论是单干还是接受帮助,杰克逊的舞蹈大致雷同。But, whether he went it alone or got help, the result was much the same.

Loeb给单干型企业家提供了很多经验There are multiple lessons in Loeb’s experience for go-it-alone entrepreneurs

因此当自由职业者出来单干的时候,他们真的是只能靠自己了。So when freelancers go out on their own, they are, literally, out on their own.

在过去五十年里,编程基本上是一种单干的职业。Programming has been essentially a solitary profession for the last five decades.

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考虑到他单干,一天内他能完成了这么多项目实在令人惊奇。It's amazing how many items he makes in a day considering he's only a one-man hand.

过去我们努力工作干到口吐白沫,但主要是以单干为主。It used to be that we tried to work our butts off to produce, but mostly individually.

当然,我们有各种会议,有各类小组,但最终我们大部分还是单干。Sure, there were meetings, and there were teams, but in the end we mostly did it individually.

如果你梦想自己单干,那么当你有好机会时就开始吧。If you have the dream of being self-employed, get started when you have the greatest opportunities.

但是,如果我们只是想一个人单干不被打扰的话,就会使得自己失去耐性,甚至失去队友。This can cause us to lose patience and actually avoid teammates, since we just want to be left alone!

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一些政府和军方官员最初说哈扎德是“单干”、“独狼”。Some administration and military officials had initially cast Mr. Shahzad as a 'one-off' or 'lone wolf.

中国农业究竟是走集体道路有利于多产粮食,还是分田单干更有利于多产粮食。Which will make China produce more crops, collective production or single production in seperate fields?

十几年前刚开始自己单干时,我就下决心不做传统意义上的自由职业者。When I started freelancing more than a decade ago, I was determined not to become one of "those" freelances.