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她意志坚定。She's determined.

我们拥有自由意志We have free will.

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意志坚定,恩。Determined. Uh huh.

我们有自由的意志吗?Do we have free will?

有自由意志。Righty has free will.

这是考验意志的行为。This is an act of will.

她的去世使他意志消沈。Her death depressed him.

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他使他们服从他的意志。He bent them to his will.

战斗是铁砧的意志。Combat is the anvil of will!

自由意志是罪的状态。Free-will is a state of sin.

我想做的只是履行上帝的意志。I just want to do Gods will.

试想,假若它意志薄弱。If it were ever weak-minded.

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困难可以磨练人的意志。Difficulties can anneal will.

法律是人民意志的体现。Laws embody the will of people.

她是一个意志坚强的人。She is a strong- willed person.

这是全能意志的体现。The will of an omnipotent being.

他意志坚强,立场坚定。He is iron-willed and stands firm.

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意志薄弱的人不适合做这样的事。Weak-willed people can not do this.

受术者遵从你的意志。Domination. Subject obeys your will.

⊙、万事皆由人的意志创造。Everything is created by man's will.