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坐待时机,就会失去时机。Who waits for time, loses time.

作为校长,我坐待,并观察。As a head, I'm sitting back and waiting and watching.

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各州没有追索权,只能坐待高级法院的判决。The states had no recourse but to await the verdict of the high tribunal.

自由党宁可抱骑墙态度,坐待其他党派去斗争到底。The liberals prefer to sit on the fence while the other parties fight it out.

原来她家里还有近亲,于是我们坐待事态的发展。So she had blood-kin under her roof again and we sat back to watch developments.

我们不能束手旁观,坐待犯罪网络毁掉我们共有的将来。We cannot afford to sit back and allow criminal networks to destroy our common future.

百姓必须凭信向前进,并不能在营中坐待外面的路开通了之后方才起行。The people were not to wait in their camps until the way was opened, they were to walk by faith.

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如果你坐待事至并且让事情牵着鼻子走,最后你将一无所获。If you sit around and wait for events and circumstances to pull you along, you'll end up getting nothing accomplished.

我们不要满足于坐待事情发生,而是要下定决心去让好的事情发生。Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen.

官兵不愿坐待船被拖往适宜的港口,而赞同指挥官改乘小船的决定。Officers and men, unwilling to wait quietly until the ship could be towed to a convenient port, cheered the decision of the commander to take the boats.