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我很享受这些游览。I loved these tours.

我们常常乘快艇游览。We often go yachting.

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陈先世正在游览伦敦。Chen is visiting London.

他们到意大利游览去了。They have gone over to Italy.

你愿意来坐船游览吗?。Would you like to come sailing?

有旅游车游览团吗?。Is there a sightseeing bus tour?

他们花了三周游览美国。They did America in three weeks.

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我们背着背包游览阿尔卑斯山脉。We went backpacking in the Alps.

你可以去游览南岳寺庙。You can go to the Nanyue Temple.

所以游览的地方很多。And yeah, so there's lots to see.

苏州园林值得游览。Suzhou Gardens are worth visiting.

我们可以一边游览,一边学汉语。We can learn Chinese as we travel.

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欢迎各位游览东海世界公园。Welcome to the Donghai World Park.

但是,只有其中一些是步行游览。But only some of them are walkable.

你游览过德泽特山吗?Have you ever visited Mount Desert?

停下来游览这个中世纪的古堡。Stop and visit the medieval castle.

今天我们去游览湛江的东海岛。Today I take you to Donghai Island.

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在大马士革游览甚至都不需要坐车。You don'teven need a car in Damascus.

请给我一张全天的游览证好吗?。Could I have an all- day pass, please?

我们全家人在游览水族馆。Our family is visiting the oceanarium.