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这件衣服你穿了挺称身的。This coat fits you perfectly.

借来的衣服不称身。borrowed garments never fit well.

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很是称身,看起来棒极了。They fit perfectly and look magnificent.

这件连衣裙不称身,腰部很皱。The dress fitted badly and puckered at the waist.

裤子要称身,然而不要看得见线头。Pants should be fitted, but free of visible panty lines.

衣服不称身,但它是新的,我很想把它购下来。The suit didnt fit, but is was new and I was anxious to have it.

买称身的而且适合你身段长度的衣服。Buy what fits and be objective about what length flatters your body type.

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不过他们把衣服送来后,我没感觉有一丁点儿不称身。But they sent them to me and Inever had to have an eighth of an inch changed.

你身着一件紫红色旗袍,远远看去,真像一只小蝴蝶飞过一样,既美丽称身,又色彩柔和。You are wearing a purple dress, look far, like a small butterfly, beautiful body, and soft colors.

那结结巴巴的粗鲁汉子不见了,尽管那不称身的衣服、伤痕累累的手和晒黑了的面孔依然如故。The raw, stumbling lout was gone. The Ill. fitting clothes, battered hands, and sunburned face remained.

他穿戴一套很不称身的现裁缝服和一对便宜的鞋子。这些是在开释犯人时发给他们的。He wore a badly-fitting ready-made suit and the cheap shoes that the state gives to prisoners, when they are set free.

有传闻称身为万人迷的香港明星张柏芝和谢霆锋要结束他们5年的婚姻,这使得他们的粉丝忧心忡忡。Rumors that Hong Kong heartthrobs Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse are ending their five-year marriage have worried their fans.

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他短短的头发直竖起来,衣服简单而质朴,而且不大称身──很明显,他也没在这方面下甚么工夫。His hair short and spiky, his clothes simple and plain, he does not fit in -- and clearly doesn't make much of an effort to do so.