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让我在此地睡唾。Let me sleep here.

在此地,在高尔基公园里。Here in Gorkiy Park.

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它警告我们远离此地。It warns us to stayaway.

驻足此地,或轻轻走过!Stop here, or gently pass!

我来此地观光的。I am here for sight-seeing.

此地禁止停车。Parking is prohibited here.

此时此地,点灯的人是我。Here, the lamplighter is my.

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皒希望伲也在此地。I hope that you'll be there.

此地的零售走入高价位了?Retail is going u cale here?

我极力推荐此地。I highly recommend this place.

你们的展示间离此地远吗?Is your showroom far from here?

当时有多达一万八千名犹太人迁居到此地。As many as 18,000 Jews moved here.

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尽管雨神肆虐,我还是到了此地!Here I am in spite of St. Swithin!

另有法令,白纸黑字,统领此地。Other laws, black on white, obtain.

此地的人开车像疯子。The people here drive like maniacs.

上帝保佑此地自由永久,福泽绵长!God keep our land glorious and free!

我在此地停留期间它会愈合吗?Will it heal up during my stay here?

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请把废纸扔在此地。Please pitch your waste paper in here.

有一天她发现此地的蟾蜍都不见了。One dayshe noticed there were no toads.

我们在此地散发了许多传单。We did a lot of leafleting in the area.