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罗恩咕哝着,灰沉着脸。moaned Ron, gray-faced.

真正的勇敢是冷静和沉着。True courage is cool and calm.

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血色沉着病怎样治疗呢?How is hemochromatosis treated?

这就像一个全麦饼干沉着应战。It buckled like a graham cracker.

我哥哥是我认识的人中最沉着的一个。My brother is the calmest man I know.

牛仔喝完酒,沉着脸向酒吧门口走去。Cowboy drinking wine, door to the bar.

基特在危险的时刻总是很沉着。Kit was always calm in times of danger.

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我怎能控制我自己?我无法沉着下来。How do Icontrol myself?I can't calm down.

在年轻的狗过多的皮肤色素沉着。Excessive skin pigmentation in young dogs.

跛足老人拖着沉着的脚步缓慢地往前走。The crippled old man dragged along slowly.

他在紧急情况下表现镇定沉着。He comported himself well in the emergency.

你面前的这个半身人沉着的注视着你。The halfling before you regards you coolly.

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主意似地沉着脸答话。Idea ground the calm and steady face answer.

她在紧急关头总是沉着机敏。She is calm and resourceful in an emergency.

我父亲沉着脸站在走廊。My father stood there looming in the hallway.

扒窃是一门需要沉着、耐心与范儿的艺术A Pickpocket Needs Poise, Patience And Panache

看着对手,我沉着地拍着球。Watch your opponents, I calmlybouncing a ball.

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希刺克厉夫,亲爱的!现在你不该沉着脸。Heathcliff, dear! You should not be sullen now.

真正沉着稳重的男人处于较佳的位置。The truly cool guy is in a much better position.

他们很钦佩他的正直、沉着和刚毅。They admired his integrity and his calm bravery.