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他的车子陷入沟中。His car got ditched.

由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切。So Eden sank to grief.

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陷入绝望的纳达尝试过自杀。Nada attempted suicide.

来帮助陷入困境的人。or help the person out.

他们不会陷入情网?Don't they fall in love?

我的舵轮陷入了黑暗!My wheel is in the dark!

然后她便陷入了沉思。Then she sank in thought.

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的确,您将陷入麻烦中!Well, you are in trouble!

后来,陷入了热恋。Later, caught in the crush.

地拉那完全陷入无政府状态。Tirana is in total anarchy.

不过,他还没有陷入麻烦当中。But he was not yet troubled.

不要陷入这些陷阱之中。Do not fall into these traps.

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慢慢地他陷入睡梦之中。Gradually he sank into sleep.

茫茫然陷入沉思状态。In vacant or in pensive mood.

所以,Kay陷入了进退两难的窘境。So Kay has been in a dilemma.

他陷入贫困之中。He brought himself to poverty.

他怕陷入麻烦。He was afraid to get lumbered.

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“我们陷入了一个险恶的循环”。We're in a very vicious cycle.

你使我们陷入厄境。You've got us into anice mess.

你不会陷入流沙。You cannot sink into quicksand.