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给观赏者以高山流水,归游自然的欣悦。For the viewer to fall, to swim natural pleasure.

让那些纯静的眼睛欣悦地凝望我从容的身姿吧。Let pure eyes stare at the posture of my freedom of nation.

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优先参加欣悦举办之讲座及活动。To enrol seminars and activities organized by CHARIS with priority.

冯矬子在欣悦之时是快活的,但内心也不时承受道德的责罚。Feng in favour from is happy, but the heart to accept moral punishment.

一个后悔他做过的几乎一切事情的人会对自己感到欣悦吗?Does a man please himself who repents of nearly everything that he does?

此时此刻纯洁的忧伤和模糊的欣悦相互渗杂。It is a time of innocent sadness and vague joys that have no sharpness of edge.

有意加入成为会员人士,请亲临「欣悦天地」或「欣悦坊」办理入会手续。For interested parties, please apply in person at Charis Circle or Charis Square.

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更改个人资料,请亲临「欣悦天地」或「欣悦坊」。Please contact Charis Circle or Charis Square for change of personal information.

这几个月可以是你以后欣悦回味的日子,也可以是最好忘却的体验。Thosemonths can be ones to remember with fondness or an experience better forgotten.

时已,当他被告知第二天还要再穿衬衫的时候,他是如此之欣悦。Hence, he was so delighted that after he was told he could wear a skirt till tomorrow.

他们在运动过后会感到放松或身心平静,但只是偶尔会感到欣悦。They might feel relaxed or at peace after exercising, but only occasionally did they feel euphoric.

他们知道尼古丁会作用于中枢神经系统,产生欣悦感。They are aware of the fact that nicotine affects the central nervous system, producing pleasurable effects.

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在充满爱心、欣悦和为国王献身之感的时刻,我们之间发生的口角和屈辱具有什么意义呢?!At the moment of such a feeling of love, enthusiasm, and self-sacrifice, what are all our slights and squabbles?

我将歌声遗于身后,付予那年年归来的忍冬花的茂盛和南风的欣悦。?。I leave my songs behind me to the bloom of the ever?returning honeysuckles and the joy of the wind from the south. ?

惠特曼某些诗句里有一种早晨的欣悦,爱默生就没有能够把它注入自己的诗篇。There is a morning gladness about some of Whitman 's lines that Emerson hardly ever manages to infuse into his work.

或「欣悦坊」保留修改会员折扣优惠条款之权利。Charis Circle or Charis Square reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of the discount offers without prior notice.

如果将你们的黑暗倾入太空是为了你们的舒解,那么将你们的曙光倾入太空是为了你们的欣悦。And if it is for your comfort to pour your darkness into space, it is also for your delight to pour forth the dawning of your heart.

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被誉为“城市经典红色精英”的东方欣悦居将于本月18日起开始内部登记预定。Hailed as "urban classical Khmer elite" in the East coming on the 18th of this month will be scheduled to begin registration within.

他们在探索欣悦纯真的童心、追求幽默隽永的童趣和铸造活泼本色的童言等诸方面各有独特而鲜明的艺术个性。Both of them show brilliance personalities of art in probing into the Heart, the gusto and the language of children in their writings.

为朋友付出,勿求回报。最令人欣悦的付出是不期待也不在乎结果的。Give to your friend without expecting something in return. The most gratifying giving comes without expectation or concern for outcome.