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来看看企鹅机喷云吐雾的样子喔!Let's have a look at the penguin in full fog!

他抬头向上一望,看到矮子正在吊床里喷云吐雾。He looked upwards, and saw that the dwarf was smoking in his hammock.

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飞机、影院、餐馆里,人们喷云吐雾,烟气缭绕。Airplanes, cinemas, and restaurants were all smoke-filled from cheek to jowl.

该园装置了一个爱丽丝漫游仙境式的“烟灰缸”,给喷云吐雾进入。The garden features an Alice in Wonderland-style "ashtray" for smokers to puff away in.

还记得那些在中学休息室里挤在一团喷云吐雾的酷女孩吗?Remember the cool girls, huddled together in high school restrooms, puffing their cigarettes?

同时,禁烟规定开始限制烟民们可以喷云吐雾的公共场所。About the same time, smoking bans started to limit the public places where people could smoke.

在圣海伦火山上,一块火山形成物正在喷云吐雾,仿佛活了一般。On Mount St. Helens, a volcanic formation seems to come to life as it exhales a cloud of steam.

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苏前边有人朝着她的脸喷云吐雾,苏做了个手势表示不满,但吸烟者视若无睹。Someone in front of her is blowing smoke in her face, and Sue makes a gesture that indicates her annoyance, but the smoker ignores it.

联合国代表休息室依然烟雾缭绕,各国外交官和联合国工作人员仍在喷云吐雾。In the U.N. Delegates Lounge, a cloud of cigarette smoke hovered over clusters of diplomats and U.N. staff puffing tobacco and sipping coffee.

如今,在中国东北部的三家子村里,满语从八十六岁的赵兰凤那喷云吐雾、布满皱纹的嘴唇中缓缓吐出。Today Manchu mixes with cigarette smoke blown through the wrinkled lips of 86-year-old Zhao Lanfeng in Sanjiazi, a village in China's north-east.

一路的汽车旅行让我很是不适,除了车内闷热的环境外,车外污秽泥泞的道路,时而从一边擦身而过喷云吐雾,并且不断扬起煤灰的大型运煤卡车亦不断地刺激着我孱弱的神经。The bus ride is somewhat uncomfortable, being hot and stuffy and mostly on dusty dirt roads accompanied by big coal trucks spewing diesel fumes and coal dust.