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我们乘拖车式活动房屋在乡间旅行。We trailered about the country.

他们是乡间俱乐部的成员。They belong to the country club.

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我喜欢居住在乡间的感觉.I love living in the countryside.

他喜欢在乡间漫步。He likes strolling the countryside.

他们把那条乡间小路铺上了硬质路面。They hard-surfaced the country path.

走在乡间的小路上。Walk on the footpath in the country.

乡间别墅势头减弱了吗?Is the country house momentum slowing?

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轿车在乡间路上颠簸前进。The jeep bucketed over the bumpy road.

我们匆匆地走在乡间小路上。We were beetling along a country lane.

我想给自己建一座乡间别墅。I want to build myself a country house.

房子零乱地散布在乡间。Houses straggled across the countryside.

乡间牧人小伙,跳舞又唱歌The shepherd swains shall dance and sing

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自动唱机正在放一张乡间情歌唱片。A hillbilly love song was on the jukebox.

格林一家没有乡间别墅,对吗?The greens have not get a villa, have they?

薰衣草田散布于吕贝隆地区的乡间。Lavender fields dot the Luberon countryside.

雨后的乡间小道变得坑洼不平。The country road scabbed after a heavy rain.

他在他的乡间别墅款待了他的朋友们。He treated his friends in his country cottage.

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我们的汽车在平坦的乡间道路上很快地行驶。Our car bowled along the smooth country roads.

我们的车快而稳地行驶在乡间平坦的公路上。Our car bowled along the smooth country roads.

我们的车快而稳地行驶在乡间平坦的公路上。Our car bowled along on the smooth country road.