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他们的养老金随物价指数浮动。Their pensions are index-linked.

从去年开始物价指数就一直在迅速上升。The price index has been kiting since last year.

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物价指数的下降影响家禽饲养业。Thefalling of commodity prices influences poultry farming.

而我们现在有了所谓的,消费者物价指数CPIWe now have something else called the Consumer Price Index.

两个国家里的物价指数在2010年趋于平稳,不过仍旧维持在两位数的水平。In both cases the rate subsided in 2010 but remained in double digits.

而最近的上涨趋势在上周的消费者物价指数报告中一览无遗。That recent trend showed up in last week’s consumer-price index report.

国家9月份消费者物价指数同比上涨3.6%,创24个月来新高。The country's September CPI was up 3.6 percent, a 24-month record high.

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从物价指数挂钩金边债券得出的通胀预期经历了大起大落。Inflation expectations derived from index-linked gilts have veered wildly.

伴随物价指数的上涨,我国进入了存款负利率时期。As the price is going up, China enters the period of negative interest rate.

对于物价指数债券,你无需,通过以上计算得到实际利率With an indexed bond you don't have to do this calculation to get the real rate.

当消费者物价指数上涨带来货币贬值,他们同样无处可藏。When the consumer price index inflates, to due money, there are no places to hide.

十一月份的消费物价指数上升百分之4.6和5.1个百分点十二月,28个月新高。The CPI increased 4.6 percent in December and 5.1 percent in November, a 28-month high.

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国统局亦表明,五月消费者物价指数年环比下降了1.4个百分点。The NBS also announced the consumer price index for May was down 1.4 percent year on year.

货币空间价值的计量具有复杂性,但可以采用物价指数法和现行市价法。The price index method and the currently-enforced market price method can both be adopted.

计算消费物价指数时,必须给汽油价格增长分配以较大的权数。Greater weight has to be assigned to the gas price increase than to the cost of cars increase.

消费者物价指数从上个月的5.4个百分点,缓缓滑至5.3个百分点。Consumer-price inflation edged down to 5.3 percent in April, from 5.4 percent the month before.

英国同样将揭晓消费者物价指数、零售物价指数和房价指数,英国央行随后将公布通胀报告。The UK also adds to the fun with CPI, RPI and HPI data followed up by the BOE inflation letter.

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但是,亚洲方面,日本明天将揭晓短观报告,晚些时候还有零售销售和消费者物价指数。However, Asia brings Tankan data out of Japan tomorrow, with retail sales and CPI following later in the week.

统计处八月廿二日的新闻稿说,七月份消费物价指数按年升百分之七点九,创了一九九五年以来的新高。Government statistics released on August 22 showed overall consumer prices rose 7.9 percent year on year in July.

如果你想以实物框架理念来看的话,你就得将消费物价指数或者,其它通胀指数考虑在内。If you wanted to have a real frame, then you would index to the consumer price index or some other inflation index.