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我也曾是一个初来乍到纽约的人。I was new in New York one time, too.

敝人初来乍到,敢问阁下就是他们所的办公室暴徒?。I'm new here. Are you the person they call the office bully?

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敝人初来乍到,敢问阁下就是他们所称的办公室暴徒?。I'm new here. Are you the person they the call office bully?

美国公司对于印度国防市场相对来说是初来乍到。U.S. companies are relatively new to the Indian defense market.

小弟初来乍到,还请多多指教!Younger brother had just arrived, also requested the great weekend!

好的,我初来乍到的,有很多事情不懂,还请您多多指教。Fine. It's my first time here. All the things I need to learn from you.

最初,有很多事让我这个初来乍到的异乡人眩晕。There are many things that as a stranger initially threw me for a loop.

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作为初来乍到,作为外事委主任委员,我是边干边学。As some one new to the foreign affairs committee, I've learning on the job.

初来乍到非洲,中国与西方国家的行事方式截然不同。In its recent approach to Africa, China could not be more different from the West.

比如说,“绿牛角”是指一个初来乍到,没有经验的人。For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation.

“不,”她说话的腔调像在暗示着这是显而易见的事实,即使是对像我这样初来乍到的人来说。"No," she said in a voice that implied it should be obvious, even to a new arrival like me.

初来乍到的游泳教练顾芳偶然发现了于小朵超乎常人的游泳天赋,就劝说其加入县里的游泳队。The new-comer swimming coach Gufang invites her to the team because of her talent in swimming.

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虽然这批新人虽然都是初来乍到,可我发现他们有些想法还是很不错的。This group of new comers are wet behind the ears, but I find that they have some very good ideas.

初来乍到,朋友们都很关心,我们来海南岛吃什么、看什么、玩什么呢?Early to Pottinger that friends are concerned about, what we eat to Hainan Island to see what play?

当你初来乍到一个地方,不认识任何人的时候,你会感觉像一条离开水的鱼,这是很正常的。It’s completely normal to feel like a fish out of water when you arrive at a new place, not knowing anyone.

你将能遇见在当地与你处于同一境遇下的人——初来乍到一个城市,举目无亲。You can meet people locally that are in a similar situation to yours – new to the city and without any connections.

初来乍到虽然看不出有多少媚人之处,但至少没有任何地方叫亲戚们看了讨厌。Although there might not be much at first appearance to captivate, there was, at least, nothing to disgust her relations.

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初来乍到,不管是力量训练还是传接球练习,李玮峰都与曾经在深圳队的队友配合更多。Early to Pottinger to, whether or strength training exercises-catcher, Li Weifeng had with the team in Shenzhen with teammates more.

如果你初来乍到,对在日本赏樱花还不了解,那就去看看这个网站,了解什么时候樱花会在哪儿开吧!If you are a novice to cherry blossoms viewing in Japan, make sure you check out when the cherry blossoms are expected to bloom where!

我们将支持指导项目,从而让初来乍到的人能够受益于那些已经走过这条路的人的经验。We will support mentoring programs so someone starting out can benefit from the experience of someone who's been down that road before.