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你会摔交吗?。Can you wrestle ?

骄傲就会摔交。Pride goes before a fall.

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他的跛腿是摔交摔的。His limps is the ___of a fall.

我对摔交不感兴趣。I am not interested in wrestling.

今晚有摔交比赛。There is a wrestling match tonight.

两个摔交的扭在一起。The two wrestlers grappled together.

美国职业摔交是怎么会事?American professional wrestling is how will it?

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摔交选手为了达到某个重量级别总是如法炮制。Wrestlers do it all the time to make a weight class.

昨天晚上的旧式摔交你看了吗?Did you watch the old-fashioned wrestling game last night?

我来自业余者摔交,而且我们总是通过本能。I came from amateur wrestling, and we always went by instinct.

当我2005年搬到北京来的时候,我开始寻找一个摔交的学校。When I moved to Beijing in 2005, I started to look for a Shuai Jiao school.

所幸,我有丰富的摔交、柔术和柔道背景能保护我。Fortunately, I had an extensive Wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu and Judo background to guide me.

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当奥林匹克运动会的远古游戏出生的时候,摔交已经是一场远古的游戏。When the ancient Games of the Olympiad were born, wrestling already was an ancient game.

恩,最初是和我的俄罗斯摔交教练开玩笑的结果,但是最后渐渐的和你说的联系上。Well, originally it came up as a result of making fun of my Russian wrestling coach, but the.

摔交比赛已经没落,只有最有才能的经济人才可以恢复它往日的荣耀。The wrestling industry is in a slump, and only the most talented of bookers can restore its former glory.

这位27岁的乔治亚州的前摔交冠军在第三次尝试中将飞机向前拉动了28码多。The 27-year-old former wrestling champion from Georgia pulled the chopper more than 28 yards on his 3rd try.

“比特!比特!”今年的摔交冠军已经产生了,蓝色木族的族人们疯狂的呐喊着勇士的名字。"Bite! Bite! " This year tripped and fell champion has been produced, blue color wooden race's clansmen crazy call brave warrior's name.

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在瓦西里年轻时就魅力非凡,天资聪颖,在朝廷谋得职位,这部分是由于他能够在摔交竞技中打败了外国摔交冠军。As a young man Basil was attractive and talented and he won a position at court, in part because he was able to defeat foreign champions in contests of wrestling.

摔交比赛也已经进入了白热化争夺,场地中只剩余最后四名勇士在进行着半比赛,这场比赛的胜利者将可以参加最后的决赛。Tripping fall competing also has already entered the superheating , in the location the surplus four brave warriors are carrying on half competition, the victor can attend the final competing.