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心里面有个孩子就是指这个人“童心未泯”!You are really a child at heart.

呵呵,看来他还童心未泯,比我还小孩子气。He looks like a child and not a business man.

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童心未泯的双子座当然会选这种鬼。Childlike Geminis will choose this kind of lucifer of course.

和我一样童心未泯对玩具总是难以抗拒吗?。Are you always interesting in toy just like me with desirable heart?

他虽年近半百,但仍童心未泯。Though nearly at the age of fifty, he still retains childlike innocence.

这款充满玩味元素的设计,是童心未泯人士与时尚爱好者的理想选择。The fun design is perfect for the young at heart. and trendy fashionistas.

罗拉用这种有趣的凳子提醒大家我们都童心未泯!With this fun stool Laure reminded us that we're all just big kids at heart!

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罗拉用这种有趣的凳子提醒大家我们都童心未泯!With this fun stool Laure reminded us that we’re all just big kids at heart!

算是比较宅的,童心未泯,崇拜大自然的力量。May be called house-boy, and still retain childlike, worship the power of nature.

这里有给员工子女和想这样的一些童心未泯的员工提供的玩具。There are toys for employees' children and for the young-at-heart Googlers like this one.

市场的宣传攻势一次次地都推动着我们变得少一些严肃紧绷,多一些天真烂漫——越来越像一个童心未泯的孩子。Each time, the marketing pushes to become less uptight, more infantile – more teenage boy.

岁月永远年轻,我们慢慢老去,你会发现,童心未泯,是一件值得骄傲的事情。Forever young years, we slowly grow old, you will find a playful spirit, is a matter of pride.

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昨天我在北川中学看到新入学的孩子们笑了,童心未泯。Yesterday I saw new students wearing a smile and retaining child's innocence at Beichuan Middle School.

而这本书与众不同,它趣味性强,信息量大,既能吸引年轻人,也能使那些上了年纪但童心未泯的人产生兴趣。This book is different. It's fun, informative, and will appeal to the young person as well as the young-at-heart.

昨天我在北川中学看到新入学的孩子们,笑了,童心未泯。Yesterday I saw the new students at Beichuan Middle School and they were smiling in all their childlike innocence.

真人秀评委西蒙·考威尔真是童心未泯,在访谈节目中称天天爬树并将爬树看做一种仪式。Simon really is just one big kid at heart. "I climb trees daily. It's like a ritual, " he revealed in an interview.

童心未泯的成年人在享受完那段信你的时光后讽刺地指出这是在浪费大家的宝贵时间。Kidadults cynically pointing this out after having their moment of belief in you are wasting everyone's precious time.

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她是一位十分开朗、热情、有趣又童心未泯的老教授。She was a senior professor who was always very cheerful and enthusiastic, interesting and full of childlike innocence.

昨天我在北川中学看到新入学的孩子们,笑了,童心未泯。Yesterday when I saw the new students at Beichuan Middle School, I couldn't help smiling, a childlike heart retaining.

相信,家里的小朋友一定会爱不释手,而童心未泯的您也会把它当成宝贝。Believe, the child in the home can fondle admiringly certainly, and still retain childlike you also can regard it as baby.