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你们采用那种方法论?What methodology do you use?

焦点经常在方法论上。The sniping often focuses on methodology.

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是编程人员必看的方法论。Watchable programmers is the methodology.

世界观、方法论、辩证法是也!It is world view, methodology and dialectics.

这一代人对方法论感到糊涂。This generation is confused about methodology.

我们从方法论和科学转变到政治。We turn from methodology and science to politics.

从一个坚实的方法论基础来驱动采纳。Driving adoption from a firm methodological basis.

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泰瑞斯的实验在方法论上犯下了很多明显的失误。There were clear failings in Terrace's methodology.

理论和方法论也不一样。There's a difference between theory and methodology.

这由SAP的SOA方法论进一步得到强化。This is further reinforced by SAP's SOA methodology.

我把它称作工具主义方法论。Well I have called this methodological instrumentalism.

马克思主义辩证法是未来学的方法论。Marxist's dialectics is the methodology of the futurology.

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这就是ASAP方法论,目前仍在使用。This was the ASAP methodology and it is still in use today.

我们的方法论由产品和组件评估开始。Our methodology starts with product and component evaluation.

降低方法论的需要,以及培训室内员工所需的技巧Reduced need for methodology and skills training for in-house staff

从方法上看,其墨学研究上承孙诒让,下启胡适,是近代墨学研究方法论转化的中间环节。His Mohism study was middle tache between Sun Yi-rang's and Hu Shi's.

追求一种“无法而法”的方法论境果。Effort pursue a kind in the methodology state, it's "cant hut method".

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同时,对研究发射中心东风中学师资管理问题铺设了方法论基础。This has laid the foundation for the research and for the methodology.

分析研究了墨家的辩证思维方法论。This paper analyzes the dialectic thinking methodology of Mohist School.

传统的方法论往往没有提供类似的捷径。Conventional methodologies often have no provisions for taking shortcuts.