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威廉王子之行深得民心,大受民众欢迎。Prince William's trip popular, and greatly welcome the public.

他在担任市长的整个任期内都深得民心。He remained popular throughout his tenure of the office of mayor.

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里根在担任总统职务的整个任期都一直深得民心。Regan remained popular throughout his tenure of the office of president.

这对夫妇深得民心的理由是,在他们主政期间,阿根廷迅速地从2001至2002年的经济危机中复苏过来。They were popular for presiding over a speedy recovery after Argentina's econnomic meltdown in 2001-02.

政府对吸烟所采取的举措深得民心并值得称赞。The action this government has taken against smoking has been very welcome and it deserves credit for that.

中国政府却因为为人民带来了稳定和财富而深得民心。Chinese government is popular with the people because the government brings stability and wealth to the people.

“当领袖们自行其是、所为又深得民心的时候,我们应该感谢他们,”他在一封电子邮件中写道。"When leaders do what they believe is the right thing and it is popular we owe them our thanks, " he wrote in ane-mail.

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选民将在九月投票选出新的议会和政府,陆克文在澳大利亚选民心中深得民心。Rudd is widely popular with Australian voters, who go to the polls in September to pick a new parliament and government.

虽然民主党在09年竞选的时候正是用了这些承诺击败了控制日本政坛半个世纪的自民党,但是他们现在已经没有之前那么深得民心了。Although the DPJ used these campaign pledges in 2009 to help defeat the LDP after a half-century in power, they are only mildly popular now.

官方报告显示反对党赢得一半以上的席位。他们支持的民主改革运动深得民心。Official results show opposition parties won more than half the available seats with Movement for Democratic Change getting the largest share.

它始于三世纪,当时这些运动开始迅速发展,变得非常重要,深得民心。That begins in the third century when you have these movements really taking off, and they become hugely important and hugely popular for people.

政府所开展的抗击艾滋病项目深得民心,这些避孕套就是该项目提供的,将在卫生所和公共广场、舞会等场所分发。The condoms, provided under the governments acclaimed anti-AIDS program, will be given out at health clinics and in sites like public squares and dances.

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政府所开展的抗击艾滋病项目深得民心,这些避孕套就是该项目提供的,将在卫生所和公共广场、舞会等场所分发。The condoms, provided under the government's acclaimed anti-AIDS program, will be given out at health clinics and in sites like public squares and dances.

他使共和党重新振作了起来,而且一开始就深得民心,其中还获得了许多曾反对过他的人的支持,这可能有两个原因,一是由于他的个人魅力,二是因为处于低谷的美国太需要“冲喜”了。He has revived the Republican Party, and has garnered high initial hopes, even from many who opposed him, both because of his personal style and because the U.S. is famished for cheer.