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他向狂叫的狗扔出一块石头。He pegged a stone at the barking dog.

他拖着我的毯子狂叫。He was pulling at my blankets and barking.

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纳赛尔为什么要狂叫并且还要跑到路上?What caused Nasser to bark and run to the road?

然而突然之间,这狗突然狂叫起来,“汪汪汪!”And then all of a sudden the dog goes "arrrrrrrkkk!"

老黄开始饶着桌边狂叫和跑着。Old Yellow starts barking and running around the table.

“站在世界屋脊上,我喊出我野性的狂叫”。I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.

山姆很反感地扔下书,狂叫着从屋里跑了出去。Sam threw his books in disgust and stormed out of the room.

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一个小男孩尽头不心爱狗狂叫的样子。The little wow did not like the look of the screin the morninging dog.

想像一下,电梯门打开后,一条狗突然跑出来冲你狂叫的情形。Imagine the elevator door opening and a dog running out and barking at you.

千万不要忘了你敌人的喧嚣,和反抗你的人们不断的狂叫。Do not forget the clamor of your foes, the continuous uproar of your enemies.

“年”朝婆婆家怒视片刻,随即狂叫着扑过去。"Year" towards mother-in-law home glower moment, then head over the past forward.

乌鸦闻到血腥味,急不可耐地狂叫着,在白桦树上飞来飞去。Some crows, scenting blood, flitted to and fro among the birches, cawing impatiently.

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突然,他们听到隔壁墙那边有人狂叫,“别敲了,你这白痴!Suddenly, someone screamed from the other side of the wall, "Knock it off, you idiot!

我再一次歇斯底里般的狂叫,试图把胳膊抽回来,但是被他一把推翻在地。I screamed again and tried to get my arm free but the man had pushed me on to the ground.

现在当你跳过栅栏或者躲开狂叫的狗,你也可以边带着你的追逐乐曲了。Now as you jump over fences and dodge barking dogs, you can take your chase music with you.

狗也知道这个谚语吗?一个小男孩非常不喜欢狗狂叫的样子。Does the dog know the proverb, too? The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog.

不管你在哪儿!汪!汪!汪!老黄开始绕着桌子边狂叫和跑着。Wherever you are ! Arf ! Arf ! Arf ! Old Yellow starts barking and running around the table.

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震耳的音乐响起时,她狂叫、接著对著麦克风嘶吼出歌词。When the loud music starts, the girl snarls before belting her first lyrics into the microphone.

“年”朝婆婆家怒视片刻,随即狂叫着扑过去。"Nian" toward her mother-in-law glare at home for a moment, then the barking rush toward the past.

一个穿着雨鞋的严肃的工作人员带着我们穿过了几行正在狂叫的,在我看来有些大,有些恐怖的狗。A no-nonsense attendant in rainboots took us past rows of barking dogs, many big and scary, at least to me.