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母亲节那天,在胸前佩戴石竹花。In the chest wearing pink.

香石竹再生体系的建立。Regeneration systems of carnation.

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玫瑰呀,石竹呀,还有郁金香。The rose, the pink, the tulip gay.

五颜六色的香石竹被摆到花店里。Colorful carnations were placed in florist.

香石竹不表现诱导现象。The induction was not appeared in Carnation cut flowers.

他把时间消磨在对一朵石竹的希望或对奥斯特里茨的回忆上。He passed his time in expecting a pink or in recalling Austerlitz.

欧洲的一种培植石竹,玫瑰红色花非常芬芳。European pink cultivated for its very fragrant pink or rosy flowers.

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蜜蜂嗡嗡地哼,石竹花的芳香在空气中飘溢开去。There was the hum of bees, and the musky odor of pinks filled the air.

通过比较石竹属植物种内的DNA序列得到以下的一些结论。Comparing DNA sequences among carnation species revealed the rest of the story.

首先,石竹属系谱图的分支出现是缓慢而具试探性的。At first, new branches of the carnation family tree appeared slowly and tentatively.

福清石竹湖旅游资源是具有较高水平的风景资源。The tourism resources of Fuqing Shizhu Lake is high level scenic and natural wonder.

生于萼下类似于真萼的一组苞片,如石竹和木槿所有的。A series of bracts subtending and resembling a calyx, as in the carnation and hibiscus.

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本文探讨了香石竹组织培养系统和玻璃化问题。In this paper, the culture system and vitrification of carnation in vitro were studied.

剑兰,晚香玉,大丽花,菊花,非洲菊,香石竹等适用。Gladiolus, tuberose, dahlia, chrysanthemum, african chrysanthemum, carnation applicable.

广泛种植的平顶、密集、多色串状花瓣的欧亚石竹。Eurasian pink widely cultivated for its flat-topped dense clusters of varicolored flowers.

然后,大约是在1300,000年至2000,000年前,石竹科物种形成爆发了。Then, sometime between 1.3 million and 2 million years ago, carnation speciation exploded.

简要综述了昆明地区香石竹病毒病的研究进展。This paper briefly summarized the research progress of carnation virus disease in Kunming.

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本文对石竹科部分属的植物进行了细胞分类学研究。This paper is systematic cytotaxonomy studies to plants of five genera of Caryophyllaceae.

花的心含有像奶油般柔滑的素馨,石竹科的芍药,…The floral Heart contains creamy jasmine, pink peony, freesia lace, Moroccan rose and orange flower.

老鹳草,石竹都是适合的植物,其风味也增强记忆,调节情绪的作用。Geranium, Dianthus are suitable for the plant, its flavor also enhances memory, mood regulation effect.