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老牛不下崽。Old cattle breed not.

老牛拉犁犁沟直。An old ox makes straight furrow.

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那个男人居然老牛吃嫩草!That man is pillaging the cradle!

老牛,扇子在什么地方?快拿出来啊。Old Bull, where is the fan? Hand it over!

你不要老牛吃嫩草,她对你而言太年轻了。Don't rob the cradle, she is too young for you.

一只大鹿、三只老牛和四匹白马。One big deer, three old oxen and four white horses.

那个时候老牛在旁边看那个样子,笑死了!The on-looking buffalo laughed until it was breathless!

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布朗先生与他的老牛一块住在南方的一个小镇上。Mr. Brown lives in a town in the South with his old cow.

老牛李就是威廉·巴洛斯,还有他妻子,简·李。Old Bull Lee is William Burroughs, and his wife, Jane, Jane Lee.

屠夫因为老牛曾经求人饶命而勃然大怒。The butcher was furious that the cow had tried to beg for its life.

屠夫拿出了一根鞭子,一边鞭打老牛一边咒骂。The butcher pulled out a whip, and cursed as he whipped the old cow.

不学习的人,宛如老牛,肉虽多,却没有智慧。Without learning, men grow as cows do increasing only in flesh not wisdom.

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没走几步,老牛又碰翻一水果摊,赔人200元。Did not take a few steps, a donkey and Pengfan Shuiguo Tan, who pay 200 yuan.

悲痛欲绝的牛郎在老牛的帮助下,用萝筐挑着儿女追上天去。With the help of the cowhide, Niu Lang was able to follow Zhi Nu into heaven.

年轻的女孩子经常被老牛们可以提供的物质所吸引。Younger women are often attracted to the security that older men can provide them.

老牛们认为因为嫩草没有被感情伤害过,所以她们不会有两性深入交往的障碍。They think that because she's never had her heart broken she won't have intimacy issues.

令人惊讶的是,其中大部分已经是老牛了,至少对于肉用牛而言,真是太过老了。Surprisingly, many of them were old, at least too old if they were being kept only for food.

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另外一个老牛吃嫩草不会有好下场的原因是年龄的代沟。Another reason why relationships with younger women end badly is because of the generation gap.

那个老导演老牛吃嫩草,因此名声很不好,他总是想勾搭那些年轻的女演员。The old director was notorious for robbing the cradle, always trying to date some young actress.

有老牛湾、万家寨黄河渡口两处,交通较便利。There are How Stella Bay, crossing the Yellow River Wanjiazhai 2, more convenient transportation.