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这种笔的笔筒是足金的。The shaft of this pen is solid gold.

出厂价笔筒大量批发!Penholder large wholesale ex-factory price!

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我要把这根竹子做成一个笔筒。I want to make a penholder with this bamboo.

跑进妈妈的办公室,拿了一个新玩具笔筒就跑。Ran into her mother's office, took a new toy pen and ran.

和她的计算机主机、电话,甚至连笔筒也很速配。It matches her computer, it matches her phone, even her pen stand.

软衬在单元在胸前的口袋里,贴边用袖子笔筒在口袋里。Soft lining at snap pocket at chest, welt pocket with pen holders at sleeve.

笔筒因使用方便,很快就风靡天下,至今仍盛而不衰。Penholder due to ease of use, quickly swept the world, is still not bad-sheng.

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左口袋采用了双传递笔筒槽,化学,仪表灯和轮胎。The left pocket incorporates a dual pass-through slot for pens, chem-lights and tire gauges.

这镂空瓷笔筒装饰有龙,传统的权力象征。This openwork porcelain brush pot is decorated with a dragon, a traditional symbol of power.

钓鱼台黄玉笔筒取天然玉石制作,采用镀金锡镶工艺,纯手工镂雕镶嵌而成。Diaoyutai Topaz Brush-pot is made of natural jade and gilded tinned carved and inlayed by hand.

笔筒中铅笔头的数量有限,所以要最大化地利用好每个铅笔头。There is a limited number of bullets in the cartridge, so maximise the use of each pencil point.

老笔筒材质多样,有瓷、木、竹、漆、玉、牙、紫砂等。Old penholder diverse materials, porcelain, wood, bamboo, lacquer, jade, dental, and other Zisha.

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让员工从办公桌、文件夹、和笔筒里寻找手头使用的办公用品。Ask employees to dig through their desks, briefcases and pencil jars to use what they have on hand.

没想到我的笔筒一出现,女同学就你争我抢的,都想买呢!I did not expect the pen appeared, the women students on to compete with, and have wanted to buy it!

打开时,是一个标准的台灯,合上是一款夜灯,而且还是一个笔筒。It's a standard lamp when open, a nigh light when closed and acts as a cubby for your desk supplies.

专业出产各样化妆镜子、保健梳、奇巧相框、造像独特笔筒、山水人物、诗词歌赋挂画等竹制工艺品。The specialized production vanity mirror, picture frame, pen container, bamboo handicrafts and so on hanging scroll.

时尚,温馨!情侣笔筒,每一个带有两种色调,如此帖近,紧密相依,看起来一切是如此和谐。Fashion, warm! Lovers pen holder, with two of every hue, such posts near, close dependencies, it is all so harmonious.

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我们要采购孩子的背包,手提包,笔筒,情形-细胞的电话,架,实效袋子,袋子和情形。We want to buy Children's Rucksacks , Handbag, Pencil Cases, Case-Cellular Phones, Racks, Utility Bag, Bags and Cases.

高雅,精美。适用于各种场所。既可以当笔筒,牙签座,牙刷座!又可以放一些杂碎的小东西。Elegance, porcelain, Suit for any concourse. It's not only can as a pen holder, but also can put some sweetbread things.

当日,每位小朋友都制作了极具创意的小相架及笔筒,欢度一个愉快的下午。That day, each child produced a highly innovative small photo frame and pen container, and they enjoyed a happy afternoon.