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一望无际的大海——只愿我能渡到你的彼岸。So wide a sea, may I overcome.

陌上花开,生生相错,独自彼岸路。Living alone in the wrong way, shore.

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哪里是“大洋彼岸中国”?Where the heck is Transoceanic China?

在最寒冷的秋风中我们抵达了彼岸!With autumns coldest winds we arrive!

天涯彼岸就在网海里边。The horizon on the other side network.

安静之海、彼岸是花。Quiet that sea , Faramita are a flower.

翩真正的梦就是现实的彼岸。Real dream is the other shore of reality.

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彼岸的花,漂亮,和邪恶。The other shore flower, beautiful, and evil.

来自伟大彼岸的二十七个天使And twenty-seven angels from the Great Beyond

如果你游到河的彼岸,呼唤你。If I swan along this river just to call you name.

喜欢在岁月的长河里凝望彼岸你柔和的倩影。Like the long river of years at the shore you soft.

白色的彼岸呼唤你我重相见。White shores are calling. You and I will meet again.

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你不远万里从大洋彼岸而来光临我们的公司。You visit our company by travelling a long distance.

如使用相近或议员的限制,如信噪比,彼岸。Use titles such as Mr or qualifiers such as Snr, Esq.

一艘漫无目地游荡的船永远也到不了彼岸。A boat that wanders aimlessly never reaches the shore.

在艺术欣赏中通往自由的彼岸。It leads to liberal Faramita in artistic appreciation.

归西时,家是驶向彼岸的此岸,是通往来世的港湾。Went to shore, home is the shore, is beyond the harbour.

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你我是同行者,愿我们走向爱的彼岸。We are fellow travelers. Let's go beyond to the shore of love.

回你的暴风雨中去吧,回你黑沉沉的夜之彼岸!Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!

小心翼翼、瞻前顾后、步步为营的做法不再能达到彼岸。The cautious, conservative approach is no longer the way to go.