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流淌的是一寸寸春华的脉动。It flows the Spring pulse.

天使珠泪树下流淌。Angel's tears below a tree.

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水,我的爱随着你流淌,流淌!Water, my love flows with you!

远处的溪水静流淌。And the far-off stream is dumb.

在她的宽袍里流淌。Flows in the scrolls of her toga.

没在她乌黑的发际流淌。Which waves in every raven tress.

房子下面流淌着一条小溪流。Below the house runs a small stream.

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像晨光中的溪流一样流淌Flowed like a rill in the morning beam

丰腴的波浪流淌成光年,那杳渺的蓝色。Flows out as the waves of Milky years.

虽然我想要流淌满杯的爱。I want a cup thats with love although.

我想要流淌满河的爱,但接着。I want a river full of love, but then.

潮涌的泪水在红肿的眼中流淌。The eyes bloodshot with tears and tide.

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全神贯注着那潺潺流淌的小溪。And pore upon the brook that babbles by.

蛋黄不应是流淌的或液体状。Egg yolks should not be runny or liquid.

目睹他泪水流淌,我们哽咽而鼻酸。Witnessing these tears, we get choked up.

有一条河在那里流淌,她说。I'll make a river flow there. So she said.

我的身体全部化作泪水从双眼中流淌。My body became all teres and my eyes wept.

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鲜血流淌,染红了她的大腿。The blood ran away and empurpled her thigh.

塔前流淌着一条小溪。There flows a stream in front of the tower.

我抚琴吟咏,却听到泪水流淌。And tears are heard within the harp I touch.