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他扮演的古代皇帝气度恢宏。The emperor he played was magnanimous.

我被他的不凡气度吸引了。His charming air arrested my attention.

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所以我明白,我的气度不如你。So I know that my bearing is less than yours.

所有我们需要的就是足够的阅读它的耐心和气度。All we need is enough patience and presence to read it.

哈佛精神就是崇尚学术自由的气度!Harvard spirit is to uphold academic freedom of tolerance!

我就没有黑墨帮主那样的气度了。I did not have the black ink to help the main such bearing.

虎以百兽之王著称,有着傲然的雄风与气度。Tiger with the king of beasts, the penis and bearing a proudly.

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然而后来我才明白,你的气度是远超过我的想像的。But later I knew that your bearing is far beyond my imagination.

只有心胸开阔,气度恢宏的人,才能多交朋友。Only the broad-minded, delicate features, can make more friends.

当然,她富有魅力、非常友好,是一个气度高尚的的女人。She is of course a glamorous and very kind woman with a big heart.

真正叫人信服的是内在的气度,而非权势和金钱。What commands real respect is one's forbearing spirit, not power or money.

讽刺的是,反复的攀登失败反而让这座山充满了真正的非凡气度。It was, ironically, repeated failures which gave the mountain real stature.

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奥运精神是气度绵延的万里长城,赋予我们勇武的魄力。Olympic spirit of the Great Wall is rolling bearing, gives us Yong-wu vigour.

遇到象现在这种重要关头,威尔逊太太内心里宽洪的气度便完全显示了出来。On large occassions like the present, Mrs Wilson's innate generosity came out.

但在艺术创作和教学活动中具有兼容并包的气度。However, in artistic creation and teaching activities with inclusive tolerance.

他讲话很突然,想给人一种气力很足的印象,而实际上没有丝毫气度。He spoke abruptly so as to give the impression of a strength he did not possess.

上海恢宏的气度源于充分开放的历史。Shanghai's great tolerance originates from its history of sufficient opening-up.

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赫斯渥把钱放回去以后,又恢复了他那从容大胆的气度。When Hurstwood put the money back, his nature again resumed its ease and daring.

解脱我自你爱之符咒,奉还我英雄气度,我必供奉你以重获自由之心灵。Free me from your spells, and give me back the manhood to offer you my free heart.

圣诞节是一年中大多数人心胸开阔,气度非凡的一天。It is the one day in the year when most of us grow big of heart and broad of mind.