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但是不要小看它。Don't look down on it.

他不能小看了爱情。He could not belittle love.

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别小看复利的威力。The power of compound interest.

你不可小看那个小男孩。You can't downgrade the litte boy.

不要小看这些活动。Don't look down on such activities.

但如果你敢小看他,那你可得风险自负。But underestimate him at your peril.

我们不能小看它We should not take that for granted.

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不能小看他取得的成绩。Do not belittle what he has achieved.

可别小看丹·布朗运筹帷幄的能力。Don't doubt the Dan Brown juggernaut.

将军可是个不能小看的人。The general is not a man to be trifled with.

不要小看这问题的严重性!Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!

在这些研究工作中,他的作用是不可小看的。His action won't be overpassed in the studies.

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小意思,你别小看我,我在老家就常开船。I used to drive ship in my hometown. Trust me!

一个人小看自己,别人也会小看他。Mam belittles himself and others will belittle him.

把威灵顿捧得那样高便是小看了英格兰。To make Wellington so great is to belittle England.

别小看你自己--你的工作很有价值。Stop belittling yourself--your work is highly valued.

别小看你自己,我相信你一定会成功的!Don't look down upon yourself. I believe you can do it!

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竞争对手们说,小看任正非就是在冒险。Underestimate Ren at your peril, Ren's competitors say.

我们不应该小看这些困难。There are difficulties. I mean, let's not belittle this.

钱主任说她太小看贺俊峰了。She is too look down upon He Junfeng money director said.