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南面为庐山第三高峰“五老峰”To its south is the third tallest, Wulao Peak.

你曾听过“食物营养金字塔”和“三高一低”吗?。Have you ever heard of "The Food Pyramid" and the "Three high and one low"?

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比尔·福克斯有着球队历史上第三高的俱乐部出场纪录,他为曼联出征683场比赛。Bill Foulkes holds the third highest number of appearances for the club at 683.

主席多尼森说下年度的开价是有始以来记录的第三高价格。Mr Donnison said it next season's opening price was the third highest on record.

承建同三高速公路宁波西冠段第4合同,长4.65公里。Tongsan Expressway Ningbo Xiguan section contract No. 4 with a length of 4.65KM.

“Aa2”在穆迪对主权债务所设的19档评级中位于第三高。"Aa2" by Moody's sovereign debt rating in the set of 19 files in the third high.

是的,我们听了大约3个小时,听见了“三高”放歌紫禁城。Yes, We listened for about 3 hours and heard "San Gao" singing in the Forbidden City.

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凭借着235英尺的高度,这座岩层成了世界第三高的潮间带结构。At 235 feet tall, the rock formation is the third tallest intertidal structure in the world.

东方明珠电视塔是468米高,最高的在亚洲和第三高的,在世界上。The Orient Pearl TV Tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in Asia and third tallest in the world.

作为首发,他们失去了第三高得分手,第二篮板手和盖帽王。For starters, they lose their third leading scorer, second leading rebounder , and leading shot blocker.

一项调查显示,上海这样的三高女白领已经有二十万人。A survey indicates that the total number of such "3H" female white-collars has reached 200,000 in Shanghai.

项目地址距县城22公里,与县城及104国道、同三高速公路相通。The area is 22km to Lianjiang central County, in connection with No. 104 National Road and Tongsan Expressway.

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胡伊拉火山是哥伦比亚活动力最高的火山,也是哥国第三高的山。The Nevado del Huila volcano is the highest active volcano in Colombia, and the country's third highest mountain.

这为中国信托金融控股公司铺了路,让他有机会投标台湾保险金额第三高的南山人寿。It paves the way for Chinatrust Financial Holding Co. to bid for Nan Shan, Taiwan's third-largest insurer by premiums.

目前,纺织行业正承受着“三高”带来的压力——劳动力成本高、资本成本高、人民币升值。At present, the textile industry is facing "three high" bring pressure – high labour costs, capital costs, the Renminbi.

三高茶的微生物限度检查应采用培养基稀释法测定才能得到准确的结果。It was concluded that media dilution method should be taken for an accurate result of microbiological test for Sangao Tea.

由于砝码的缺阵,34岁的老将费舍尔现在均场上阵30.5分钟,这可是球队的第三高。With Farmar down, Fisher's minutes have increased. Fisher, 34, now is averaging 30.5 minutes, the third highest on the team.

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美国的负面排名第三高,51%的人表示其具有坏影响,表示其有好影响的为30%。The United States had the third-highest negative ranking, with 51 per cent citing it as a bad influence and 30 per cent as a good one.

酱香型白酒在发酵过程中,经过三高三长,是区别其它香型白酒的关健之处。Maotai-liquor in the fermentation process, after a three high-temperature and three long-flavor Liquor is the key difference between others.

这些问题集中反映在“三高”广告上,即高架道路两侧、“高炮”立柱广告以及20层以上高楼上。These problems reflect the "three-high" advertising, on both sides of the Viaduct, "artillery" Here advertising and 20 storeys tall building.