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希望你也能改改自己的规矩吧。I hope you will too.

这里的规矩是这样的。The custom here is this.

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规矩点,别把我惹毛了!Behave, don't piss me off!

罗伯特,我的老婆就很不规矩。My wife is a bitch, Robert.

无以规矩,不成方圆。No set rules, not a radius.

第四条规矩是绝不说谎。The fourth rule is no lies.

但是,当然也会有规矩。There are rules, of course.

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残酷的规矩还不如没有规矩。Better no rule than cruel rule.

不规矩是打趣话的精髓。Impropriety is the soul of wit.

安静地坐着,规矩点。Sit quietly and behave yourself.

他不讲体面,也没有规矩。He has no decency, no discipline.

规矩点儿!爸爸今天气头很大。Behave yourself! Dad is mad today.

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他的行为很不规矩。His behaviour is highly irregular.

吉姆,你让王太子规矩点好吗?Jim, won't you make Prince behave?

放规矩点,不然我就要打你。Behave yourself, or I will beat you.

没有规矩不成方圆。No any orders without laws and rules.

不遵循己经制定的规矩,他们更喜欢自由的生活方式.They prefer to freestyle life instead.

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放规矩点儿,别惹大家生气。You could only offend, behave yourself!

做下人的就该这样规矩本分才是。Did a person of should so rules duty be.

如果你不规矩的话我要打你的耳光。I'll clip your ears if you don't behave.