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但是世事无完美。But nothing’s perfect.

不谙世事的谭小燕信以为真。Xiao-yan tan of believe.

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世事多变,你也一样。A lot has changed and so have you.

世事难料,你永远也不会知道最后你会去哪里。You never know where you might end up.

我不相信世事会完全没有可胜之机。I don't believe in the no-win scenario.

看透世态,看淡世事。Through the world, see light the world.

世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。That article things clarity all learning.

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我从中深刻体会到了世事变化之快。That taught me how fast things can change.

要知世事奥秘多,须要长期作学徒。There needs a long apprenticeship to understand

世事如棋局局新,智慧人的每一步都走出自信心。But the wise advance every step with confidence.

然而世事弄人,我竟会爱上一只老虎,不对!Whenas god joke on me, I fall in love with a tigress.

世事千变万化,然这艘船每次只载2000人。But 2000 people at a time and there're old wishes here.

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我只能在徘徊在此岸,看沧海桑田,世事变迁。I can only see in this world, wandering in the passage.

最不谙世事的工作据说是最幸福的工作。The least worldly are reported to be the happiest of all.

在严厉的王子和困难世事之下,你要敢于做善人。Under a harsh prince and bad times , you dare to be good.

世事若花,热闹时是繁华,安静时是清幽。What if the flowers, lively when is busy, quiet is quiet.

世事瞬息万变,比你设想的要快得多。It can happen fast, and a whole lot sooner than you think.

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有你在,我不再害怕世事的无常。There you are, I am no longer afraid of life's impermanence.

他在年仅23岁的年纪,就意识到了死亡和世事变迁的无情。He is aware, at 23, of death and the inexorability of change.

飘渺的烟雾载着云梦般的世事远去。Dim smoke and mist have gone far with world affairs like dream.