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她盯着那卡片端详了一会儿。She stared at it a moment.

端详一下自己的掌心。Look at the palms of your hands.

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我仔细端详了这位陌生人。I gave the strange man the double-O.

只要端详一下你书上的封面。Just look at the cover of your book.

玛丽拉端详着安妮年轻快乐的脸。Marilla watched the happy young face.

她探身向前,端详他们的面容。She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.

福尔摩斯仔细端详这张椅子的座面。Holmes examined the seat of the chair carefully.

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她向下端详着在她的床上躺着的赤裸的男人。She gazes down at the man lying naked in her bed.

他用迁就的眼光细细地端详了她一下。He gave her a critical and condescending look-over.

他把我从喷头下推开,然后端详着我的眼睛。He pushes me out of the water and examines my eyes.

黑袍人端详着灰袍青年。The man in black studied the new wearer of the grey.

卡门·艾尔茜拉眯起眼睛端详他的脸。Carmen Elcira narrowed her eyes and studied his face.

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艾薇塔陷入了沉默,向后仰起脖子,端详着他。Ivetta fell silent, arched her neck, and studied him.

透过暗光,你端详他友好如父的脸庞。By the dim light, you study his kind and fatherly face.

他发现他常常在端详浴场上的那些花花公子。He found himself looking at the young bucks at the bath.

随后,她仔细端详马吕斯,表现出一种奇特的神情,对他说Then she scrutinized Marius, assumed a singular air and said

瀚峰端详着思玉的脸,觉察到一种熟悉的心不在焉的神情。Hanfeng looked at Siyu’s face, detecting a familiar absent-mindedness.

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他后退几步,端详着套在一起的两件衬衣,泪水夺眶然而出,刺痛了他的双眼。He stepped back and looked at the ensemble through a few stinging tears.

路上,我在街角咖啡摊停顿了一下,要了一杯苦咖啡,坐下来慢慢品尝,端详着地图。On my way there I stop at a small café and drink an espresso at the bar.

休森不再端详蜡像,而是拿出一个小本子,写下了一两行字。Hewson stopped looking. He took out a little book and wrote a line or two.