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来份鲔鱼砂锅饭。The tuna casserole, please.

我在煮晚餐要吃的砂锅。I'm making casserole for dinner tonight.

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我在煮晚餐要吃的砂锅。NO23, I'm making casserole for dinner tonight.

很多人爱吃砂锅炖鸡。Many people love chicken with vinger casserole.

在双亲都工作的家庭里,用砂锅做饭是一个比较流行的方法。Crock pot cooking is popular among working parents.

不行。你得用陶土制成的砂锅煮药。No, you can't. You'd better use an earthenware pot.

美国早期钱币银砂锅服务器南部?Early American Coin Silver Holloware Server Southern ?

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这是添加到面包、砂锅和烘焙食物中的很好食材。It's good added to breads, casseroles, and baked goods.

小丁要了个砂锅牛肉粉,小强要了个福建混沌。Going to a beef casserole powder, Jack to a Fujian chaos.

你可以用剩下的火鸡肉做砂锅菜和三明治。You can use leftover turkey in casseroles and sandwiches.

用砂锅熬菜、做饭均可,不能用来炒菜。Boil with a casserole dish, cooking can not be used for cooking.

适于搭配肉菜、炖菜、砂锅菜以及传统的西班牙“肉菜饭”。Ideal with meat, stews, casseroles, and our traditional "paella".

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砂锅内放入水,把所有材料都放入砂锅里。Decant enough water in pot, then, put all of the food material in pot.

你对烧烤、煎牛排、煎腰饼、砂锅炖肉感兴趣吗?Are you intrigue with grilling or frying steak or kidney-pie or casserole?

很多你喜欢的菜都可以调整一下来用砂锅烹饪。Many of your favorite dishes can be altered to slow cooking in a crock pot.

豆腐放入砂锅中,加入姜片、鱼头、陈皮及滚水,用大火煮十分钟。Stir fry the fish head and ginger slices in a wok until fragrant . Set aside.

中心为您的海龟砂锅菜一块粘土确保了对称。Centering clay for your sea turtle casserole dish ensures a symmetrical piece.

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用刺参、鸽蛋加佐料放入砂锅,清汤喂透。With Sea Cucumber, pigeon eggs relish into the casserole, soup thoroughly fed.

通心粉,皮萨,烤牛排,砂锅,烤肉。Ideally served with pasta, pizza, grilled steak, casseroles, roasts and barbeques.

你可能会去寻找一些特殊的砂锅菜菜谱,或者直接买一本砂锅烹饪指南。You’ll want to look for special crock pot recipes, or pick up a crock pot cookbook.