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我希望这是一次恶作剧。I wish this was a hoax.

只是一场恶作剧?l. Everthing only a hoax?

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她从来不恶作剧。She never played mischief.

历史上曾有过几例恶作剧。There have beenseveral hoaxes.

男孩正想酝酿恶作剧。The boy just wants to brew mischief.

你们这帮人别再四处搞恶作剧了。Would you guys stop clowning around!

原来H是一个爱恶作剧的姑娘啊!Actully, she is some girl love jokes!

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唯一的冷笑话是那类恶作剧。He is very good at telling dry jokes.

小阿子喜欢跟人恶作剧。Children like to play pranks on people.

相当肯定的是恶作剧者已经浮出水面。And sure enough, the hoaxer came forward.

什么鸟会和它们的敌人“玩恶作剧”?Which birds play tricks on their enemies?

变的神经兮兮,那一定是另外一个我的恶作剧。Get jumpy, it must be another my mischief.

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第一大恶作剧是1957年愚人节的瑞士意大利面大丰收。Swiss spaghetti harvest tops the hoax list.

是奥蒂斯。他甚至对几个男孩大搞恶作剧。It's Otis. He even plays jokes on some boys.

你不能对史金波尚克斯恶作剧!You could play no pranks with Skimbleshanks!

你可能会因为愚人节的一个恶作剧而发笑。You may laugh at a prank on April Fools' Day.

我搞的恶作剧算是最多的了。The capriccio that I make be regarded as most.

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他坚称,这项服务并非恶作剧。He also insists that the service is not a hoax.

作为恶作剧礼物,我送给他一盘UB40乐队的CD。As a gag gift, I gave her a CD by the band UB40.

那仅是一次无伤大雅的恶作剧,仅次而已。It was just a harmless prank, that's all it was.