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这家伙耍手段了。This guy's playing hardball.

王子知道怎样耍手段。The Prince knew how to play his hand.

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不要介意耍手段,但要小心行事。Don't be afraid to be mean, but do it discreetly.

第三种方向,虽然是一种最耍手段的一种手段。The third approach, though, is the most intriguing.

喜欢耍手段、玩弄权术的人,他们是不会真正的去聆听百姓的声音的。He who plays with politics may not hear the people's voice.

祁乐指羡花很少请假,怀疑是志明耍手段,要赶走羡花。Flowers rarely leave QiLe refers to envy, doubt is chi Ming play means, to get rid of envy.

野田佳彦精通柔道,爱好摔跤,笑称自己不善于暗中耍手段。A judo practitioner and fan of pro-wrestling, Noda has joked that he is no good at underhand tricks.

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任何耍手段阻挠别国复原的政府都不能指望得到我们的帮助。Any government which manoeuvres to block the recovery of other countries cannot expect help form us.

我无法忍受办公室有些人爱耍手段。好像拍老板马屁才能升迁。I can't stand the office politics. It seems like kissing up to the boss is the only way to move up the ranks.

在书中,Lindstrom揭示了许多耍手段的公司用来引诱、抚慰、诱惑和恐吓我们来买他们的产品。In it, Lindstrom reveals the many ploys companies use to seduce, soothe, tempt and scare us into buying their products.

出了什么事吗,还是你故意耍手段把我们俩弄到这儿?电话里我就说清楚了,我需要你的帮助。Well, is something actually wrong, Or is this just some ploy to get us both here?I meant what I said on the phone. I need your help.

大部分余下的差距也许反映了幕后的资本流动,而非北京故意耍手段少报贸易盈余。Much of the remaining gap probably reflects disguised capital flows rather than a deliberate ploy by Beijing to understate its trade surplus.

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你被告知了,我的挚爱,在接下来的8个星期内会带来这样的揭示,以至对那些尝试着耍手段的人都不再有躲藏的可能。You were told, my dear, that the next eight weeks will bring such revelations that even those active on the Testing Mediums site will have nowhere to hide.