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我的赋性是什么样的?My character is what kind of?

那是人类的赋性。That is the nature of mankind.

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自己们都但愿相互协助。这是自己们人类地赋性。We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that.

嗣魅这些话的语调展示了他真实的恶的赋性。The tone in which the words were said revealed a genuine bad nature.

先赋性因素和制度性因素也对职业获得起一定的作用。And the ascribed and institutional factors also have obvious effects.

与血缘亲情的天赋性不同,姻缘亲情是以婚姻为基础的。Unlike the blood affection, the marriage affection is based on marriage.

这种概念的依据在于人的利他赋性。This point of view of according to the altruistic lies in the human nature.

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先赋性社会网络在外包建立过程中发挥重要作用,而建构性社会网络对外包治理影响很大。Then it analyzes the effects of those two types of social network to outsourcing constructing and management.

西方人权论强调人权的天赋性,结果在一系列人权问题上陷入了混乱。The Western views on human right lay emphasis on its innateness. This has caused great confusion on this issue.

产前诊断,是指对胎儿实行先赋性缺陷和遗传性疾病的诊断。Prenating diagnosisó refers to diagnosis of the fetus regarding its congeniting defect in which hereditary diseottoms.

而人地赋性中又有见异思迁地倾向,由于加重啦树立在性爱上地婚姻地不不变性。Human nature and the grass is always greener and there were a tendency, because aggravated sex marriages are based on the instability.

因此,我们可以十分有把握地得出结论说,正是人类勇于求索的心灵及其满怀理想的赋性才使人类有别于其他动物。Consequently we can safely conclude that it is precisely man's inquiring mind and his aspiring nature that distinguish himself from other animals.

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我们还得「赋性别关系以历史性」,来检验宏观理论的适切性,并对历史有更全面的认识。We still have to "historicize gender relations" so as to test the applicability of some grand theories and to further enrich our historical knowledge as well.