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折旧足额。Fixed assets are fully depreciated.

应计折旧的固定资产平均总值…Average total value of depreciable fixed assets n.

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折旧费是采用直线折旧法来计算的吗?Is depreciation calculated on a straight line basis?

设立一个基金来替代折旧的资产。To establish a fund for replacing depreciable assets.

为什么继续?就让我躺在这里折旧吧。啊。Why go on? Just let me lie here and depreciate. Uhhh.

通胀调整的折旧重算错误。Error in depreciation recalculation for inflation adjustment.

所有符合条件的家庭办公设备都可以折旧。All home office depreciable equipment meets the qualification.

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折旧及摊销不应被视为衡量我们的流动资金。EBITDA should not be considered as a measure of our liquidity.

各项待摊预、提费、折旧费用的核算。Pre-all prepaid mention costs, depreciation expense calculation.

解释房产、厂房、设备折旧如何体现了配比原则?Explain how depreciating PP&E is an example of the matching principle.

每月折旧计较,并张贴到总帐。Depreciation is calculated each month and posted to the general ledger.

重要的是评估师,应计折旧是一个市场的功能。Importantly to Valuers, accrued depreciation is a function of the market.

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计税基准是计算所得税时使用的资产帐面价值或资产的未折旧成本。The book value or undepreciated cost of an asset for income tax purposes.

成本减以前年度申报所得税的累计折旧。Cost less the accumulated depreciation claimed in prior years' income tax.

我学到了折旧的概念,决定只买旧车,不买新车。I learned about depreciation and decided to buy only used cars, never new.

请问这句话怎么理解。谢谢…这辆时尚的车每周以千分之一的速度折旧。This popular car is now being turned out at the rate of a thousand a week.

摊销无形资产通常用直线折旧法。The straight-line method normally is used for amortizing intangible assets.

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干洗做工精细考究的牛仔裤。干洗可洗净衣物并保持原色不折旧。Dry-clean dressy jeans. This will keep the rinse darker and fresher-looking.

其他不得计算折旧扣除的固定资产。Other fixed assets for which no depreciation may be calculated for deduction.

他也将允许更快的资产折旧,以鼓励投资。He will also allow faster depreciation of assets, which encourages investment.