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小孩的母亲立马僵住了。The mother froze.

做一名英雄汉立马横枪!Be a hero in the affray!

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做一名英雄汉立马横枪!Be a hero in the strife!

做一个横刀立马的英雄!Be a hero in the strife.

杰尼斯肯斯立马知道搜寻有戏了。Success. Jenniskens knew immediately.

你还能不能大吃一顿之后立马忘掉它?Can you eat a good meal—and forget it?

提取立马就开始了。Your extraction should instantly begin.

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穿上鞋双脚应立马感觉很舒服。They should feel comfortable right away.

老沃特闻言七窍生烟,立马甩了他儿子一个耳光。Sir Walter promptly boxed his son's ears.

当一只健康的老鼠闻到猫的味道时,立马溜之大吉。When a healthy rat smells a cat, it flees.

你是否迫切的想立马付之于行动,并且着急的想知道结果?Are you eager to get started and see results?

一旦苍蝇进入了这种植物的内部,它立马就会关上门Once they get inside the plant,it shuts a door

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当其中一个士兵开始骂娘时,她彻底被激怒了,掏出手枪,立马毙了他。Belle pulled out a pistol and shot the man down.

在询问他之后,立马就让他离开了。After questioning him,they let him go temporarily.

如果女人不小心走散,他会立马去把她找回来。If she wanders away, he'll come find her IMMEDIATELY.

男孩立马提议作饭前祷告,然后低下了头。The boy quickly offers to say grace and bows his head.

尼坤立马就拒绝了,“没有必要知道啦。Nichkhun immediately refused, "There's no need to know."

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当恶霸欺负我的时候,他立马来解救我。When a bully teased me, he came to my rescue right away.

她们立马四散而逃,她们肯定以为自己闯了什么大祸。They must have thought they were going to get in trouble.

他们的婚礼立马被当地媒体报道出来。Their nuptials were eagerly chronicled by the local media.