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她思慕乡下那清幽的空气。She sighed for the air in the countryside.

你也可以买干制的枸杞,加入到甜点思慕雪或什锦干果里头。Buy dried berries and have them in a smoothie or trail mix.

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菠菜是一种健康--无味--可添加到各种思慕雪饮品中。Spinach is a healthy -- and flavorless -- addition to any smoothie.

在那一天,在那一刻,艾思慕拉达。嘎西亚的轻松感觉一直持续着。A light went on inside Esmeralda Garcia on that day, in that moment.

定制的思慕雪产品通常还包含一些维生素补充剂。The custom-made smoothie product can also include vitamin supplements.

思慕雪是一种由新鲜水果搅拌成的、冰镇的、甜味饮品。A smoothie is a blended, chilled, sweet beverage made from fresh fruit.

所以你们应思慕我的话,珍爱我的话,如此,你们必深受教益。Covet ye therefore my words, and love them, and you shall have instruction.

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就算那只是梦幻,我依然思慕你,用全部的热情去承载。Even if that's my fantasy, I still miss you so much with all my enthusiasm.

通常这些混合添加营养素以粉状与思慕雪混合。The majority of these products come in powder form and blend well with smoothies.

树儿们呵、是大地的思慕,踮起了脚尖、窥向天堂。The trees , like the longings of the earth , stand a-tiptoe to peep at the heaven.

他去世无人思慕,众人葬他在大卫城,只是不在列王的坟墓里。Howbeit they buried him in the city of David, but not in the sepulchres of the kings.

在极端北滩及清水湾思慕盘后室内日光浴沙龙!North Beach in the extreme "and" clear water Bay Tanning Salon Meles late in the indoor!

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咖啡、百吉饼、披萨、思慕雪或美味奇特的开胃小吃,每款都有三种大小可供选择。It could be a choice among three sizes of coffee, bagels, pizza, smoothies or fancy hors d'oeuvres.

到学期结束时,艾思慕通过了所有的单项体操动作,只有一次掉下来和有几次小的摇晃。By the terms end, Esme got through every single routine, with only one minor fall and a few bobbles.

我希望我的最好祝愿和真正思慕将带来您无边的快乐在这样一美妙的天。I hope my best wishes and genuine yearning will bring you boundless merriment on such a wonderful day.

他去世无人思慕,众人葬他在大卫城,只是不在列王的坟墓里。He passed away, to no one's regret, and was buried in the City of David, but not in the tombs of the kings.

他的脸反映着奄奄一息的白昼的残晖和行将远离的灵魂的思慕。His face was illuminated by the light of the dying day, and by the thought of a soul that is taking flight.

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和合在人的精神情感方面的体现,譬如“祭者,志意思慕之情也。The spirit of harmony in the human emotional expression, such as "Festival persons, Zhi Mu meaning of love is."

产品通常被专业的果汁及思慕雪吧用高速的搅拌机来搅拌出品。The product is generally made to order within a specialty juice and smoothie bar and is blended in a high-speed blender.

他在<霸王别姬>中扮演满心思慕的同性恋京剧演员,然后在<春光乍洩>里饰演梁朝伟的刻薄情人。He played the pining gay opera star in Farewell My Concubine, then Tony Leung Chiu-wai's caustic lover in Happy Together.