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'整流'。''罩飞机的引擎外罩。The cowling on an aircraft.

本文给出了12脉波整流机组的计算实例。It gives an example of 12-pulse unit.

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硅整流快恢复,双通道,中心。Silicon Rectifier Fast Recovery, Dual, Center.

按这种方式使用的二极管叫做整流管。A diode used in this manner is called a rectifier.

课题主要可分为整流和逆变两部分。Rectifer part and inverter part contruct the paper.

准确预测了底坎整流的流动场结构。The structure of the flows is predicted accurately.

不允许用半波整流电源。Not allowed to use half-wave rectifier power supply.

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不答应用半波整流电源。Not allowed to use half wave rectifying power supply.

它包括一个全波整流电路和正弦信号源。It includes a biphase rectifier and a sine wave power.

超快速软恢复控制雪崩整流。Ultra fast soft-recovery controlled avalanche rectifier.

从而使可控硅整流焊机的电弧穿透力与直流旋转焊机相当。SCR rectifier is the same as that of DC arc wilding generator.

应用于无刷发电机。励磁电机枢的整流。Applied to brushless generator. Excitation rectifier hub motors.

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使用半波整流电源必需加装续流二极管。Use half wave rectifying power supply must add free-wheeling diode.

龙门锯床进锯机构采用三相桥式全控整流电路直流调速系统。DC speed adjusting system is used in feeding mechanism of gantry saw.

同时提出三电平整流电路的数学模型。It also constructs the math model of the three-level rectifying circuit.

简要回顾了全波整流器的新进展。介绍了一种实现全波整流的新方法。A new method of realization of the full wave rectification is introduced.

同时,迈凯仑终于测试了他们的静止前轮整流设计。Meanwhile, McLaren have finally tested their static front wheel fairings.

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文中列出了常用整流线路的各计算系数。Computing coefficients for the frequently used rectifier circuits are given.

大部分杜松子酒开始就像整流的中性的谷类蒸馏酒精——或者N.Most gins begin their life as rectified neutral grain spirit alcohol — or N.

文中对输出采用同步整流管对共模传导干扰模型的影响也进行了分析。The influence on common mode EMI by a synchronous rectifier is analyzed too.