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不要娇惯我。Don't spoil me.

她像对待小孩子那样娇惯他。She coddles him like a child.

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她经常娇惯孩子。She often pampers her children.

我只是个被娇惯坏了的西方人,一个没有主见的人。I am just a pampered Western wuss.

那个娇惯坏了的孩子坐在那里撅嘴。The spoilt child sat there pouting.

他从小就被宠爱娇惯。As a child, he had been spoiled and cosseted.

他母亲可能会把他娇惯成个懦夫。His mother might turn him into a mollycoddle.

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长大了的孩子不可再娇惯。Grown boys and girls must not be mollycoddled any more.

不要因为怀孕娇惯自己,期待他人伺候你。Don’t play “pregnant princess, ” and expect people to wait on you.

这是因为当妈妈的一开始就太娇惯宝宝了。This is because when the mother is too coddle the beginning child.

但是中国失业的农民可能没准备好娇惯自己。But China’s out-of-work peasants may not be ready to pamper themselves.

因为是家里的唯一男孩子的缘故,所以从小就被父母娇惯坏了。I am not the only child in my family, but I was overprotected by my parents.

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可我尽管是“独苗苗”,爸爸、妈妈却一点儿不娇惯我。Can though I be "only seedling seedling", father, mother aren't some the Jiao spoil me.

孩子们小的时候我们就娇惯他们,等他们步入社会了怎么办?If we coddle them when they’re younger, what happens when they get into the real world?

如果你在果实累累的秋天太娇惯你自己的话,你将在寒冷的冬季后悔的。If you make a fuss of yourself in fruitful autumn, you will regret it in the cold winter.

她妈妈认为塔利弗先生那样娇惯她,她将来一定不会有什么好结果。Her mother was sure she would come to a bad end because of the way Mr. Tulliver humored her.

该书责备北京娇惯美国人,忽视国防。The book takes Beijing to task not only for coddling the Americans but also for neglecting national defense.

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但是对于布鲁斯口琴,“娇惯”他们一个星期并没有特别的好处。But in the case of blues harps, there is really nothing to be gained from "babying" them in their first weeks.

但是真正的节余来自减少社会转移,特别是不娇惯了中产阶级。But the real savings come from keeping down social transfers and especially from not indulging the middle class.

她是两姊妹中年幼的一个,父亲是一位极富慈爱心人,对女儿无比娇惯溺爱。She was the junior one of the two sisters. As a man of loving-kindness, her father pampered his daughters a lot.