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重型前拉链。Heavy-duty front zipper.

一辆重型卡车隆隆驶过。A heavy truck lumbered by.

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重型坦克轧轧地沿着马路开过去。Heavy tanks ground down the road.

重型自我充电主页基座?。Heavy duty Self-charging Home Base?

对于通用机械和重型铣削。For universal machine and heavy milling.

重型机械开始轰鸣。The rumbling of heavy machinery started.

重型汽车经过这座桥会很危险。This bridge was dangerous for heavy cars.

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重型卡车把长草的软质路肩轧坏了。Heavy lorries have damaged the grass verge.

一辆重型卡车在厚厚的积雪中艰难地行进。A heavy lorry floundered about in deep snow.

重型冶金矿山设备。Heavy-Duty Metallurgical and Mine Equipment.

它可以作为汽车,火车和重型机械的动力。It can power cars, trains and heavy machinery.

当重型大卡车经过时,这个桥架就会震动。The bridge vibrated when a heavy truck passed.

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在上层甲板上还有数门重型大炮。And also there were heavy cannons on upper deck.

外勤兵提供重型火力支援。Field Ops provides more heavy fire power support.

重型设备应放在靠近地面。Heavy equipment should be stored near floor level.

米-6是一种重型军用运输直升机。The Mi-6 is a heavy military transport helicopter.

重型卡车汽制动阀,干燥器,离合器助力器。Truck air brake valves, clutch booster, air dryer.

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你想参不雅重型机器厂吗?。Would you like to visit the heavy machinery plant?

重型提升设备,起重葫芦,高架轨道。Heavy Lift Equipment, Hoists, Rail tracks-overhead.

对重型车刀片进行二维、三维槽型的开发研究。Developing 2D and 3D groove of heavy cutting inserts.