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从政是范·德·比尔特家孩子与生俱来的权利。Politics is a Van Der Bilt birth right.

他从当外交官起开始了他的从政生涯。He started his official career as a diplomat.

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瓦尔德海姆一生大部分的时间从政。Waldheim devoted his most lifetime to politics.

下面的图集回顾了他20年来的从政生涯。A photo album spans his 20-year political career.

迈克尔·曼利跟他父亲从政。Michael Manley followed his father into politics.

而肯尼迪兄弟却是先从政,然后长大。The Kennedys go into politics and then they grow up.

他信从政之前曾是位电信大亨。Thaksin, a telecommunications tycoon-turned-politician.

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他在1985年至1995年任总理,从政经验丰富。The 1985 to 1995 the Prime Minister, political experience.

他从来没有后悔过弃商从政。He never regretted having shifted from business to politics.

我开始从政时,还是个无名之辈。When I started in politics I was just an ordinary kind of guy.

在从政之前,盖茨曾当过大学校长。He came back into government from a stint as a university president.

直言敢谏是他从政品行的主要特点。To state outright and dare to remonstrate were his conduct of politics.

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同奥巴马班底中的大多数成员一样,瓦莱里·贾勒特也在芝加哥从政多年。Like much of Obama's team, Valerie Jarrett is rooted in Chicago politics.

在从政路上,萨科奇被称为“小拿破仑”、“政坛莫扎特”和“巴狗”。Nicolas is called as "small Napoleon", "politician Mozart" and "Pekinese dog.

如果卡梅伦没有选择从政而成为哥特音乐的弄潮儿,他今天又将以怎样的面貌示人?What would Cameron look like today if he had chosen gothic music instead of politics?

尼克松同水门丑闻的牵连使他从政的希望化为乌有。His involvement in the Watergate evaporated any hope Nixon had for a political career.

无论是从商还是从政,你都是共同的公司制度中的一员。Whether you are in business or government, you will be members of the same corpocracy.

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切斯特.亚瑟曾经是一位成功的律师,他从政已经有好多年了,但他此前从来没有当选过任何一个职务。Chester Arthur had been a successful lawyer. He had worked in politics for a number of years.

波赫勒是检察官要求禁止从政的人员之一。她说,针对她的指控十分荒谬。Ayse Bohurler is one of those facing a political ban. She says the case against her is absurd.

在他短短的从政生涯中,他并不理解我们国家在安全方面面临的威胁。And in his short career he does not understand our national security challenges, " said McCain.