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它们是如何进化的?How did they evolve?

他会进化。He's going to evolve.

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社会进化有时实在是太快了。Evolution is over-rated.

仙人掌是如何进化的?How did cactuses evolve?

是通过对化学反应和共同进化的研究。Chemistry and coevolution.

人是由猴子进化来的。Man has evolved from monkeys.

人是从类人猿进化来的。Man has evolved from the ape.

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这是一个共同进化的世界。It was a coevolutionary world.

一个进化枝可能包括许多进化级。A clade may contain many grades.

进化成更好的人。Evolution of Neville Longbottom.

一个同义反复的进化时间?A tautology that evolves in time?

这在进化上,是非常有意义的。Evolutionarily, that makes sense.

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一切都是缓慢而逐渐的进化。It was all gradual,slow,evolving.

这光光地身子是怎么进化出来的呢?So why did this nakedness evolve?

“识字阅读的方式再不断进化,”她告诉我。“Literacy evolves, ” she told me.

想想地球上正在进化的。Consider what’s evolving on earth.

达尔文的生命进化之树也处在进化之中。Darwin's tree of life is evolving.

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合作的行为如何进化?How did cooperative behavior evolve?

共同进化就是多种形式的学习。Coevolution is a variety of learning.

人们随着时间而改变,他们不断进化。People change over time. They evolve.