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我当然看好她。Of course Ido.

看好你的卡。Watch your card.

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今天我们就要到商店里看看好嘛?Today we are going to the shop.

请拿几件T恤衫给我看看好吗?Would you show me some T-shirts?

看好了,有人需要手帕吗?Check this out. Anybody need a hanky?

他特别看好大米和食糖。He particularly likes rice and sugar.

大夫把她的肺炎看好了。The doctor has cured her of pneumonia.

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我上街买东西时你要看好婴儿。Look out for the baby while I go shopping.

“你就是不看好她,”我反唇相讥。"You just don't believe in her," Iaccused.

对不起,哪里错了?请指给我看看好吗?I'm sorry. Would you show me what is wrong?

对看好澳大利亚的人来说,最大的风险是中国。The biggest risk for Aussie bulls is China.

Digicel非常看好自己未来的收益。Digicel thought highly of the future profit.

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侯逸凡是目前为止这四位冠军中最被看好的一位。Hou is the one with by far the most promise.

肉类生产形势看好。The meat production looks to further increase.

小枫,很看好这个行业!Xiao Feng, very optimistic about the industry !

Duman教授十分看好氯胺酮的潜力。Professor Duman hailed the potential of ketamine.

我问巴菲特,这是否意味着看好保险行业的前景?So the insurance business is good, I ask Buffett?

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我们非常看好未来中国市场,与上海捷赛共创美好明天。We look forward to a very bright future in China.

磁选机未来的市场需求非常看好。Separators future market demand is very promising.

也有部分分析师看好上海的双钱集团。Some analysts also like Shanghai-based Double Coin.